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Less than an hour after the ABC News presidential debate ended Tuesday night, Harris' campaign called for another matchup.

Former President Donald Trump has begun to shut down the possibility of a second match against Vice President Kamala Harris after debating her Tuesday night.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 我要是贺锦丽,没有第二次辩论,因为你是执政党,在野党很容易attack,何况美国人对Biden在经济上的表现不满意达70%,trump这次attack比较nice,所以贺锦丽应该见好就收 +1
    • 下次弄4个主持人 +1
      • 没下次了,thats all
    • 好在哪里?
      • 辩论民调63%,这就可以了,能保持到选举日就成功,干什么还要第二次辩论。trump正相反,如同拳击比赛,败者一定想捞回来
        • 你的逻辑,谁提出第二次辩论,谁需要呗? +1
          • trump团队要一个月内辩论三次,回来民主党说两次,没有commit。一般,落后的要求多曝光
            • Less than an hour after the ABC News presidential debate ended Tuesday night, Harris' campaign called for another matchup. +1
              Former President Donald Trump has begun to shut down the possibility of a second match against Vice President Kamala Harris after debating her Tuesday night.
              • 我们只能静观其变,理论上对贺锦丽来说,第二次辩论有何意义