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Here is an updated map for vandalism, fires, murders ect commited in/against/to churches in France. You can click on each one to read about the incident.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 法国又一座教堂被烧了! +2
    • 这张图看上去就不像真的。如果四年内法国地图都烧红了,法国的警察都是吃S的? +1
      • Here is an updated map for vandalism, fires, murders ect commited in/against/to churches in France. You can click on each one to read about the incident. +1
    • 烧完再盖什么?清镇市,佛家寺庙还是印度神庙 +1
      • 多元文化们只管烧 +1
    • 欧洲共产主义运动进行得如火如荼 +3
      • 为啥说是共产主义呢,因为地图上图标是红色的吗?
    • 加拿大很多教堂被烧,民主政府和主流媒体甚至暗自点赞,可要是清真寺被打破一个玻璃,马上声嘶力竭地连骂一周极右纳粹种族分子白人至上。。。。 +3