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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 在推特上干架🤣 有个白人头像的推友说: Asian women hate having tiny eyes that's why they want to racemix. I mean, I would hate looking like I have down syndrome too. +2

    我回他:Caucasian has genetic defect. They can’t stay under the sunlight for 2 hours. Otherwise they could be cooked to death by UV rays like roasted over a charcoal grill, turning into lobster-red and peeling like a snake.


    • 你怎么知道他是Caucasian?万一是三哥岂非表错情?
      • 下面有回复我的,该推友说这家伙的眼睛也不够大🤣


        • 土鸡漂白,这个称呼好
          • Bleached turkey 🦃🤣 +2
    • 我也对怼过,一般我说白种人进化不完全,一身毛。 +1
      • 👍 这样怼富有生活气息,活灵活现。