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Ukraine announced Friday that it received the bodies of 250 killed soldiers in one of the largest exchanges of servicemen remains since Russia invaded in February 2022. The two warring sides regularly exchange soldiers' bodies as well as prisoners of war in rare diplomatic dealmaking involving Moscow and Kyiv.

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  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 在最近一次2024年8月俄罗斯和乌克兰交换战士遗骸中,250名是乌克兰战士,远高于38名俄罗斯战士。双方的阵亡比例可想而知。 +3
    Ukraine announced Friday that it received the bodies of 250 killed soldiers in one of the largest exchanges of servicemen remains since Russia invaded in February 2022. The two warring sides regularly exchange soldiers' bodies as well as prisoners of war in rare diplomatic dealmaking involving Moscow and Kyiv.
    • 只能说明俄罗斯把俘虏都给弄死了。 +8
      • 交换遗骸,不是俘虏,弄死也是有遗骸的。 +1
      • 支持莫斯科时报! +1
      • 都是弄死的,谁有空收集敌方尸体? +1
    • 如果用一次这种数据算伤亡比例,俄罗斯目前伤亡60万,那乌克兰就伤亡360万了。没有基本的常识,俄乌战争时进攻方伤亡要高于防守方3-4倍。 +3
    • 这个并不能说明双方实际的阵亡比例,总体上俄方处于攻势乌方处于守势,乌方在撤退时来不及带上尸体撤离,所以拥有对方的尸体数肯定要少 +3
      • 这是种可能。这样悬殊的比例只能说明乌克兰防线都守不住,撤退也是一塌糊涂。连牺牲的战友都丢下。太惨了。
        • 你就是这样一根筋,随便google一下,2国每次交换的比例都不一样。
          • 数目当然不同,但都差不多,6月的交换是250具乌克兰战士的尸体交换32具俄罗斯战士的尸体。 5月食 乌克兰212,俄罗斯45. +1
          • 转自莫斯科时报,有啥评论的 +1
            • 你去查查莫斯科时报的底就知道了。