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Maps: Ukraine's incursion into Russia forces Moscow to make an important decision

Ukraine's incursion appears to have caught Russia by surprise and could force Vladimir Putin and his military into a strategic corner.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 这条路线是不是去年普里戈任打到莫斯科给蹚的那条路啊? +3
    • 奇怪,为啥英语新闻没有详细报道❓
      • 乌克兰不确认,英语媒体一般不报,不会像我一样遥遥领先的
        • 自家兄弟人打起来比外人还凶,知根知底!
          • 能说出这种话的肯定没有兄弟。你是独生子? +1
      • 搞不懂+不看好。
      • Maps: Ukraine's incursion into Russia forces Moscow to make an important decision
        Ukraine's incursion appears to have caught Russia by surprise and could force Vladimir Putin and his military into a strategic corner.
        • 感觉就是要拿俄罗斯的这块土地,换回乌东4块地。trump说了,恢复到2022开战前的局面
          • Back to before 2014.
    • 看看台湾人的新闻,革杀勿论 +1
      烏22機步旅指揮所遭炸 俄下令格殺勿論
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      • 这种是台湾的娱乐节目,这些都是老演员了。整体胡说八道,骗收视率的。以前那种综艺节目不行了! +1
    • 莫愁前路无知己