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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

没啥正式道歉。男的是酒神,女的是太阳神阿波罗,我们都看出来了呀。“。。。If people have taken any offence we are really sorry.” the scene had not been inspired by "The Last Supper" and depicted a pagan feast linked to the gods of Olympus.

The International Olympic Committee said it took note of Paris 2024's clarification.

Thomas Jolly, the artistic director behind the flamboyant opening ceremony, said the scene had not been inspired by "The Last Supper" and depicted a pagan feast linked to the gods of Olympus.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 被即时打脸。巴黎奥运组委会先是删了开幕式高光集锦视频,现在又正式道歉。Paris 2024 apologises over ‘Last Supper’ parody at Olympics opening ceremony。还解构主义,还尼采的上帝死了,还后现代哥特风格,最喜欢看打装x人士的脸🤣 +2
    • 因为开幕式的前卫, 据说这里一个老农特意定了闭幕式门票不远万里就是为了看胡子拉碴的“大叔”台上甩breast/胸贴男漏睾, 难道计划要落空? +2
      • 欣喜若狂或是后悔万分?我印象中较深的是悉尼奥运开幕式,轻松happy,最好听的开幕式主体歌是南韩的hand in hand ,但作曲者是意大利人。 +2
      • 自己内心空虚,就会盲目崇外 +3
        • 关于崇外,作为加拿大公民,中国是外国。 +1
    • 没啥正式道歉。男的是酒神,女的是太阳神阿波罗,我们都看出来了呀。“。。。If people have taken any offence we are really sorry.” the scene had not been inspired by "The Last Supper" and depicted a pagan feast linked to the gods of Olympus. +1

      The International Olympic Committee said it took note of Paris 2024's clarification.

      Thomas Jolly, the artistic director behind the flamboyant opening ceremony, said the scene had not been inspired by "The Last Supper" and depicted a pagan feast linked to the gods of Olympus.

      • 什么是男的?什么是女滴? +1
      • 坚持没错,就别删视频别道歉。 +1




    • 有争议就对了。法国不负时尚之都,文明先驱👍,一定要坚持✊ +3
      • 极血腥残暴的法国大革命,由最伟大的宣传煽动家恶毒煽动着备受煎熬的民众热情,直到最后那场可怕的火山爆发,使整个欧洲陷入恐惧之中。归根到底并不都着眼于法兰西民族的福祉。法国人输出时尚还输出暴力革命,很欣赏中国的文化大革命和红卫兵。 +1
    • 开幕式上,都是变态变性木木黑黑有鸡女无鸡男,争奇斗艳 +3
    • 无论是什么样的制度、宗教、文化,自由从来都不是亳无限制的,社会要前进发展必须遵循一定的行为规则。 +2