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The devastating wildfires ripping through one of Canada's and the world's most pristine landscapes were entirely avoidable if Parks Canada appropriately managed Jasper National Park. Tune into Ratio'd.

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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / Jasper被烧的重要原因:没有放火隔离带 +4
    The devastating wildfires ripping through one of Canada's and the world's most pristine landscapes were entirely avoidable if Parks Canada appropriately managed Jasper National Park. Tune into Ratio'd.
    • 左左环保啊,绿色啊,砍一颗树跟砍他们老娘一样,舍不得作隔离带,结果烧了小镇还烧了更多树。 +9
      • 去年就说过了 +3
    • 看到土豆说话,就恶心,看到土豆政府官员说话,就想🤮。自由党正在毁灭加拿大,民主党正在毁灭美国。 +11
    • Trees lives matter +6
      • 呵呵,当地居民早就知道,镇子迟早被烧,不敢吵不敢闹,看看他们敢不敢事后追责了。不敢就再烧 +3
    • 几年前的加州大火,也是左左不肯作隔离带造成,现在就改了,可能在拜登任内,算老白痴作的好事吧 +4