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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


Maternity benefits

Maternity benefits are payable to the birth mother (or surrogate mother) for a maximum of 15 weeks. To receive maternity benefits you are required to have worked for 600 hours in the last 52 weeks or since your last claim. You need to prove your pregnancy by signing a statement declaring the expected due or actual date of birth.

The mother can start collecting maternity benefits either up to 8 weeks before she is expected to give birth or at the week she gives birth. Maternity benefits can be collected within 17 weeks of the actual or expected week of birth, whichever is later.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 我准备回国生宝宝啦!老公学习太忙,不想给他增添太多压力,而且国内的营养好多了,爸爸妈妈也可以很好的照顾我,我想问问大家等怀孕4个月时候坐飞机回国是不是就比较安全了呢?对宝宝也没什么辐射影响了吧?另外
    • 你要想到你生下来的孩子需要办理团聚移民才能回加拿大。
      • 入关检查的时候可能对孩子有影响
        • 什么入关检查啊. 她的孩子根本就是中国公民. 无法回加拿大的. 得从头开始给他半移民, 拿到移民纸后才能到加拿大团聚. 记得这宝宝狗以前就是办团聚移民的, 好象可是经过了一翻痛苦的煎熬的. 如果她在中国生孩子,
          • 嘿嘿,如果孩子爸爸是加拿大公民呢?
            • 呵呵, 那就没问题了. 她就算跑喜吗拉雅山生都能申请到加国护照了.
      • 是,我当然知道他(她)在国内出生是中国国籍啦!宝宝办团聚相对容易一些,听说现在只要2个月就可以来!而且我不在乎宝宝是什么国籍,只要健康就好了,我多折腾几次没关系,重要的是宝宝!
    • 怀孕20周左右,也就是5个月的时候,孕妇身体情况最稳定,所以真的要回去的话建议你5个月的时候再回国.其他的不清楚,up for you. :)
    • 现在申请恐怕不行。
      Maternity benefits

      Maternity benefits are payable to the birth mother (or surrogate mother) for a maximum of 15 weeks. To receive maternity benefits you are required to have worked for 600 hours in the last 52 weeks or since your last claim. You need to prove your pregnancy by signing a statement declaring the expected due or actual date of birth.

      The mother can start collecting maternity benefits either up to 8 weeks before she is expected to give birth or at the week she gives birth. Maternity benefits can be collected within 17 weeks of the actual or expected week of birth, whichever is later.
    • 产妇的EI是不用report的。