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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛查到两个部门的联系电话。
Occupational Health & Safty:
The department provides assistance and expertise to unions affiliated to the OFL on legislative and workplace issues involving health and safety. It offers conferences to provide political and technical education on the issues that affect workers. The department makes representations to and lobbies the Ontario government for adequate legislation and enforcement. It coordinates the OFL's response to occupational health and safety issues as they arise.
Vern Edwards
Telephone: 416.443.7662

Women's Right & Lesbin Issues:
The department educates trade unionists about women's rights and gay & lesbian bisexual, transgendered and transsexual issues. It works with the Federation's committees to develop educational material and policy papers, conducts outreach with community groups and lobbies for legislative rights. The department conducts workshops on pay equity and employment equity, child care, anti-harassment, anti-violence, basic human rights, homophobia, heterosexism and bargaining for equality. There is a resource library containing printed materials and videos on issues relating to women's and gay & lesbian bisexual and transgendered rights.
Carrol Anne Sceviour
Telephone: 416.443.7670更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 怀孕期间每月去医院例行检查是要扣工资的吗?
    • 我想Labor 工大体就是这样了. 按小时给钱不管请假原因.
      • 不对啊,这个厂只要有人拿法律文件去要钱,马上给。

        • 没有对应的法律文件。
        • 没敢炒他--可能是因为他参加了工会。
          • 中国是有法律不准扣工资。这里,建议你问问省劳工联盟OFL-Ontario Federation of Labour.
            • 谢谢!但是谁的英语好帮我问问好吗?电话在里面。后面网址可以点击到他们的网站。
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛查到两个部门的联系电话。
              Occupational Health & Safty:
              The department provides assistance and expertise to unions affiliated to the OFL on legislative and workplace issues involving health and safety. It offers conferences to provide political and technical education on the issues that affect workers. The department makes representations to and lobbies the Ontario government for adequate legislation and enforcement. It coordinates the OFL's response to occupational health and safety issues as they arise.
              Vern Edwards
              Telephone: 416.443.7662

              Women's Right & Lesbin Issues:
              The department educates trade unionists about women's rights and gay & lesbian bisexual, transgendered and transsexual issues. It works with the Federation's committees to develop educational material and policy papers, conducts outreach with community groups and lobbies for legislative rights. The department conducts workshops on pay equity and employment equity, child care, anti-harassment, anti-violence, basic human rights, homophobia, heterosexism and bargaining for equality. There is a resource library containing printed materials and videos on issues relating to women's and gay & lesbian bisexual and transgendered rights.
              Carrol Anne Sceviour
              Telephone: 416.443.7670更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 问到后请把结果贴到这里行否?
          • 香港人的厂,无工会.
            • 可以参加工会,但在一个没有工会的工厂工作。
              • 那我要参加,请指教象我们工厂本无工会的,如何加入工会?
                • 对不起。这个就不是很清楚了。我朋友在一家没有工会的公司工作,她那里就有2个雇员是参加了工会的。但是怎样参加我就不知道了。
              • 不是哪个工会就管用的,我看这里的工会强弱之分大着呢,有的估计也是白交钱
        • stat holiday pay 是有法律规定的, 专门针对拿小时工资的. 但是没有孕妇检查也给钱的. 干一小时,拿一小时钱. 如果你是按月拿salary, 一年中好像可以请几天病假,不扣钱
          • It totally depends on your company. If the company's employees are less than 25, you don't have rights to take sick leave. The employee does not need to pay you when you take sick leave.
            • 我老婆那个厂1百多员工。
              • 拿小时工资的没有这项福利.
              • sick leave 需要医生的假条。sick leave 是没有工资可拿的。 它和事假的区别在于老板必须同意,不能成为开除你的理由。
          • 好像说法很多,有没有谁能指个相关政府网站,我去看看有关条文?上面那个labor联盟的网站里没有贴出有关职工权益的详细内容,只有咨询电话。
            • Employment Standards Act
            • the Guide of employment standards act
            • 有关sick leave 的官方解释。
    • 法定假日工资,只要干满30天就应该有,而不是3个月.