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Canadians do not need a visa to travel to Europe short term. With your Canadian passport, you can travel to Europe visa-free and stay for up to 90 days for tourism, business, or short-term study.

From 2025, Canadians will need to register with ETIAS to enter the Schengen Area, and Cyprus without a visa. Visa-free entry will only be permitted with a valid ETIAS.

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  • 枫下家园 / 护照签证 / 现在去欧洲旅行,是不是要做一个登记,申根国家做一个就好了呢?年底希腊,西班牙,葡萄牙飞回多伦多,想知道是搞一个希腊就好了吧,有效期一年?只知道埃及是需要签证的,还有几个中东国家巴士游也得查查签证问题。谢谢 +1
    • 欧洲国家都免签吧
      • 有新规定了。去年北京悉尼机票往返460加元,结果澳洲居然要签证,广州转机前才搞好,原来护照首页对着扫描好多门道他们知道。
        • 护照首页这句没看懂
          • 澳洲电子签对着护照首页扫描
    • 网友说的管用? +1

      Canadians do not need a visa to travel to Europe short term. With your Canadian passport, you can travel to Europe visa-free and stay for up to 90 days for tourism, business, or short-term study.

      From 2025, Canadians will need to register with ETIAS to enter the Schengen Area, and Cyprus without a visa. Visa-free entry will only be permitted with a valid ETIAS.

      • 太好了,谢谢。2025呢,又省一笔。。。:) BTW,这个塞浦路斯挺漂亮,结果一查中东飞去都死贵的
    • 藉贵帖问一下 最近有持中国护照申请意大利或西班牙签证的吗?是很难签吗?
      • 不难,就是繁琐,仅此而已,肯定能签出来
    • 加拿大护照欧洲随便去,我订机票时问的
      • 中东呢?查了迪拜不要,埃及要…还可能大巴附近去个沙特等
        • 不知道,我家只去德国