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早晨听了新闻,引用了Scotiabank经济学家的说法,减息应该不会早于6月,虽然PBO ( parliamentary budget officer ) 仍然预测4月。但最近freehold好像抢了起来,condo市场仍然没有起色。

OTTAWA — The parliamentary budget officer is projecting inflation will return to the Bank of Canada's two per cent target by the end of the year and the federal deficit will grow amid weakening economic conditions. The budget watchdog's latest economic and fiscal outlook comes as the federal government gears up for its spring budget and Canadians eagerly wait for the central bank to begin lowering interest rates. The report predicts the first rate cut to come in April, slightly earlier than fina

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 工商经济 / 今天的新闻说,央行预计年底加拿大通胀将会恢复到正常水平2%, 所以4月份有开始降息的可能,另外鉴于联邦赤字一再飙升,而负担主要来源于高昂的利息,也支持了央行降息的预期。 +5
    • 早晨听了新闻,引用了Scotiabank经济学家的说法,减息应该不会早于6月,虽然PBO ( parliamentary budget officer ) 仍然预测4月。但最近freehold好像抢了起来,condo市场仍然没有起色。
      OTTAWA — The parliamentary budget officer is projecting inflation will return to the Bank of Canada's two per cent target by the end of the year and the federal deficit will grow amid weakening economic conditions. The budget watchdog's latest economic and fiscal outlook comes as the federal government gears up for its spring budget and Canadians eagerly wait for the central bank to begin lowering interest rates. The report predicts the first rate cut to come in April, slightly earlier than fina
    • 不可能的, 别自己宽慰自己了, 一定会一个季度一个季度的向后推的。。。 +7
    • 好,4月就4月
    • 行长还说,明天早上10点 降息 50bps +2
    • 央行现在自己看着各种经济数据都烦,这种事儿,以后交给 ai 算了,直接模型计算,到点加息/降息,弄成夏时制这样的,应该也没问题
    • 四月碳税引入,肯定会影响通胀,真的不好说。 +1


    • 美国不降,加拿大开始降的可能性不大,副作用太大,除非加拿大支撑不住了
      • 哪天加拿大撑不住后只能靠加元贬值救经济了
      • 美国搞不好整个2024年都不降,这不是要把加拿大逼上绝路吗? +1
    • 美国政府的利息支出也是一大负担,是利率政策的主要考虑因素之一。明天鲍威尔在国会作证,政策走向会逐渐清晰。
    • 中美金融战今年将会高潮迭起,美联储今年没那么容易降息,韭菜们今年一定要抗住。