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我在别的网上看到有人贴的这个条,都糊涂了。真担心到了bay 900也要等上1个月。自由鸟,你是专家给解释解释。

If you go to 900 Bay, make sure you arrive before 7:30am. There is always a long line there. They have no same day service anymore. You gotta show them you are gonna travel, you gotta show your proof, normally you gotta show them your flight ticket with your application form and make sure your form signed by guarantor. The man who checks your form is very cocky, don't upset if you are turned down. Even you passed the form check, when you go into the counter to apply birth certificate, you may still be told it took 4 months to register your kid into their computer system. One old white woman there is pretty bitchy. If your child has been registered, you can pay and get the certificate the next day. If not, you still can pay, but have to go back and wait.

They also provide track service there which allows you to track what's going on with your application. 4163258305 almost all the time busy, you may try to call before or after peak time: before 9am or after 4pm. Good luck.

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  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 我看坛子里那么多新妈妈在问办加急出生证的事,大家为什么不直接去office办呢,去的早点,当天就可以办好的。
    • 我在别的网上看到有人贴的这个条,都糊涂了。真担心到了bay 900也要等上1个月。自由鸟,你是专家给解释解释。
      If you go to 900 Bay, make sure you arrive before 7:30am. There is always a long line there. They have no same day service anymore. You gotta show them you are gonna travel, you gotta show your proof, normally you gotta show them your flight ticket with your application form and make sure your form signed by guarantor. The man who checks your form is very cocky, don't upset if you are turned down. Even you passed the form check, when you go into the counter to apply birth certificate, you may still be told it took 4 months to register your kid into their computer system. One old white woman there is pretty bitchy. If your child has been registered, you can pay and get the certificate the next day. If not, you still can pay, but have to go back and wait.

      They also provide track service there which allows you to track what's going on with your application. 4163258305 almost all the time busy, you may try to call before or after peak time: before 9am or after 4pm. Good luck.
      • 基本属实,我去年办的时候因为landing paper要工作人员过目验证,去了次bay 900,言谈中工作人员说起有人早上6、7点就开始排队,因为他们一天只处理固定个数,之后排了也白排,好在我不需要当天服务,验证过后投到信箱里了。
        • 我看填表的说明没有要求看landing paper的啊?
      • 对不起,周末没逛坛子这么晚才回贴。我劳工是去年三月去那里办的,8点半一直排到快一点才办完。现在是不是有变化,不能当天取我就不知了。但处发这个帖子是想帮到大家,如果情况有变,给了大家误导,我就太不好意思了。
    • 我也给搞糊涂了.有没有最近刚去那里当天办到还不用proof of urgent的给说说?另外,如果传真过去办,除了application form 还要啥别的吗?
      • 刚去过(1)没有same day service了,有两天的(2)必须有 proof of urgency