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I mean if your child is in Grade 3 now, you had better let teacher know ASAP, otherwise there will be a long waiting list, there are not many psychologists in school board.

Teachers can find your child's potential very fast. They have been teaching many children for so many years, who is different from the others is easy for them to recognize. If you don't ask, they wouldn't mind. They want to keep good students in their school. And also if you meet a very good teacher, your child may get many extra work from the teacher. Another thing I may want to mention is before let your child for the test. Ask him or her if he or she likes or not, their feeling is very important, ask them " do you want to keep in the present school to be the top student, or do you want more challenges, you have to work very very hard but may still not top in the class."

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 请问这里有孩子要考Seneca Hill 的Gift student的家长吗?知不知道大概什么时候考?谢谢.
    • 据说是3年级以后, 如果孩子EQAO成绩特别好, 可以让老师推荐, 没有老师推荐不行. 过了3年级什么时候都可以. 一个朋友问过老师后这么说的, 信息不准别怪我呀.
      • Gifted test
        You need to talk to your child's teacher first, then ask the teacher talk to school principal, the principal and teacher will made the decision if your child is eligible for gifted test. When the testing day is coming. you will receive a form from the principal with the time and location on the form. I don't think the teacher will rely on EQAO result for testing, because EQAO is given in May in Grade 3, the EQAO result will be released in Nov in Grade 4, if the gifted test is given after EQAO, you will miss the Grade 4 gifted class in Sep.
        • 借问一个问题:Gift student 是从几年级到几年级?
          • In TDSB, it is from Grade 4 to Grade 12.
            • 谢谢。再问:考上后对孩子有什么好处?
              • My personal feeling of benefit to my son in gifted program
                They don't have much challenge on curriculum, I think they may only get around 30% extra work in the school. But they do get more challenge from their classmates, my son call peer pressure, I can imagine this kind of pressure, each child has his unique feature in this group, they can play together, learn each other, also play politics sometimes, overall my son has a lot of fun, even sometimes he felt frustrated. but I think it is good for him, life is like that with happiness and sadness sometimes.
                • 谢谢。考上后,是否要到某个指定的学校读啊?
                  • yes.
    • 三年级开始考,如果考不上,下一年可以要求免费再考一次,如果还不成,要求第三次考试时要付费.不同的学校规定不一样,有些学校会让全体三年级学生参加考试,无需家长要求.
      • gifted test
        It depends on which school board the kids in. My son is in TDSB, when he took the test in Grade 3, we were told he only has one chance to take IQ test, it is true you can take anytime after Grade 3, but it is better before grade 6, because the older children would not cooperate very well.
        • 谢谢.是的,不同的地方有不同的规定,我们不属于TDSB.不过我小孩下一个学年才够级,以后有这方面的问题免不了向你请教.
        • 你能说一下从和老师谈到接到考试通知大概用了多长时间? 我正在考虑什么时间和老师谈这个问题比较好. 因为女儿刚转学, 新学校的老师对她还不是很了解.
          • my opinion is talking to her teacher as soon as possible.
            • why? 是不是需要很长时间? 老师对她不了解, 有可能不批准呐.
              • I mean if your child is in Grade 3 now, you had better let teacher know ASAP, otherwise there will be a long waiting list, there are not many psychologists in school board.
                Teachers can find your child's potential very fast. They have been teaching many children for so many years, who is different from the others is easy for them to recognize. If you don't ask, they wouldn't mind. They want to keep good students in their school. And also if you meet a very good teacher, your child may get many extra work from the teacher. Another thing I may want to mention is before let your child for the test. Ask him or her if he or she likes or not, their feeling is very important, ask them " do you want to keep in the present school to be the top student, or do you want more challenges, you have to work very very hard but may still not top in the class."
            • Hi cyril, my son is in grade 2. When is the best time to talk to his teacher?
              • When she starts Grade 3 during the first interview with her teacher.
      • Do you know about Seneca Hill P.S. If this school "让全体三年级学生参加考试" or not? Thanks!
        • Sorry,I don't know about Seneca Hill P.S. You can phone the school principal and ask for details.
        • Seneca Hill
          They don't allow all the Grade 3 students to take the test. Usually the test is given by a psychologist, so it is going to spend hundreds of $$ for one student. The students in Seneca Hill gifted program are from many schools surrounding Seneca Hill( I guess all of the North York schools belong to Don Valley East). After graduation from Grade 6, they automatically go to Zion high, there is a gifted program for junior high, then finally all of the gifted students in North York go to Don Mills collegiate institute gifted program for high school until they go to the university.
          • What kind of test will it be? Do you know how to help kids to prepare it? Thanks!
            • preparing test
              You can go to this website: http://ontariogifted.org/, you can find all of IQ test methods in Ontario. But from my opinion, preparing test is useless, my son told me the test is not like pure math, pure language, there are many logical stuffs.
              • Thanks!
          • From your experience, how many percent of students in Seneca Hill could be accepted by the gift program? Is it easier than other schools? THanks :)
            • percentage
              After IQ test, you will get 3 Scores, #1: Verbal #2: non-Verbal(performance), #3: overalls( I think this is some kind of the average of #1 and #2 ), In TDSB, your child has to achive overall 98 percentile or one of in verbal or non-verbal achive >=99 percentile, it means the top 2 overall or top 1 any one in the population of the same age.
              • Sounds so hard. :( Thanks a lot for your kind replies.
                • It is not so hard for Chinese, There are 1 in 3 are Chinese in my son's Class.
                  • 能回答一下我的问题吗? 谢谢.
                • 如果你的经济实力好, 可以让孩子在6年级的时候考university of Toronto School, 是一所类似于私立的学校, 功课很难, 比gifted program的要难, 大概是多伦多最好的学校了, 但一个孩子只能考一次.
                  • I can't afford it. Too much money and too much pressure...
                  • 大概要多少钱一年? 比私利学校呢?
                    • 比普通私立便宜, 一年1万左右, 还有financial assistance, 只是很难考, 压力又大, 一般孩子受不了. 网址: www.uts.utoronto.ca
                      • Thanks a lot! My son is only 2. :D 记下了先.
            • In my son's class, there are total 22 students, 2 of them are from Grade 3 Seneca Hill, the others from different schools.
              • 想再问一个问题: 那个标准, 用了很多or, 是不是说, 可以verbal 和performance中的一个超过99就行, 另一方面差点不影响?
                • Yes, you are right, sorry for my bad English, I can't type Chinese with my computer.