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From 2014 to 2022, the civil war in the Donbas took nearly 15,000 lives. How many have been killed in action since the US/Nato-Russian proxy war began in February 2022 is unknown, but is certainly in the several hundreds of thousands. Casualty numbers have been concealed by unprecedentedly intense information warfare. The only information in the West about the dead and wounded has been propaganda from Kyiv claiming vast numbers of Russian dead while revealing little about Ukrainian casualties. Yet even by last summer, it was known that 10% of Ukrainians were involved with the armed forces, while 78% had relatives or friends who had been killed or wounded. It is estimated that between 20,000 and 50,000 Ukrainians are now amputees. (For context, 41,000 Britons had to have amputations in the First World War, when the procedure was often the only one available to prevent death. Fewer than 2,000 US veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq invasions had amputations.)

When the war began, Ukraine had a population of about 31 million. The country has since lost at least one third of its people. More than six million have taken refuge in the West. Two million more have left for Russia. Another eight million Ukrainians have been driven from their homes but remain in the country. Ukraine’s infrastructure, industries, and cities have been devastated and its economy destroyed. As is usual in wars, corruption — long a prominent feature of Ukrainian politics — has been rampant. Ukraine’s nascent democracy is no more, with opposition parties, uncontrolled media outlets, and dissent outlawed.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / zt: 乌军兵源陷枯竭危机?准备大量动员女性上前线 +1
    • 早就有大量女兵了
    • 据分析是为了岗位轮换,而不是因为伤亡太大。
    • 变性人上 +1
    • 时代不同了,男女都一样,男同志能做的事,女同志也能做,呵呵😊妇女能顶半边天👍 +1
    • 至少四肢健全
    • 傅立民,尼克松访华的翻译,后来当过克林顿时期的助理国防部长,他的估计(1月4日发表):



      From 2014 to 2022, the civil war in the Donbas took nearly 15,000 lives. How many have been killed in action since the US/Nato-Russian proxy war began in February 2022 is unknown, but is certainly in the several hundreds of thousands. Casualty numbers have been concealed by unprecedentedly intense information warfare. The only information in the West about the dead and wounded has been propaganda from Kyiv claiming vast numbers of Russian dead while revealing little about Ukrainian casualties. Yet even by last summer, it was known that 10% of Ukrainians were involved with the armed forces, while 78% had relatives or friends who had been killed or wounded. It is estimated that between 20,000 and 50,000 Ukrainians are now amputees. (For context, 41,000 Britons had to have amputations in the First World War, when the procedure was often the only one available to prevent death. Fewer than 2,000 US veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq invasions had amputations.)

      When the war began, Ukraine had a population of about 31 million. The country has since lost at least one third of its people. More than six million have taken refuge in the West. Two million more have left for Russia. Another eight million Ukrainians have been driven from their homes but remain in the country. Ukraine’s infrastructure, industries, and cities have been devastated and its economy destroyed. As is usual in wars, corruption — long a prominent feature of Ukrainian politics — has been rampant. Ukraine’s nascent democracy is no more, with opposition parties, uncontrolled media outlets, and dissent outlawed.

      • 北约笑看斯拉夫民族互为耗材。
        • 英法战争打了一百年
          • 现在是21世纪了
            • 几百年了?
    • 二毛大选还能如期继续吗?可不可以将司机大选赶下台?否则司机应让自己夫人也上前线体会一下? +1
      • 乌克兰是俄国侵略的受害者, be a bit nicer to the victims please. +2
        • 斯拉夫民族内斗,外人很难看到全景!
          • 别说民族,家暴都不可以 +2
            • 就是,都21世纪了 +2
      • 司机不是借口人都跑了停止大选了吗?他知道大选他必下台。 +1
        • 大选是他一个人决定的? +1
    • 你们这群五毛每每挑战人类良知的底线 +6
      • 他们正是大陆人这么让世界如此厌恶的原因。 +2
        • 对的 +1
    • 俄军抓到一个怀了孕的乌克兰女兵,司机真是丧尽天良, +1
    • 没啥问题,能有效猎杀俄军和大陆雇佣兵就是好。不用肉搏了,就是遥控投雷,高中生就能干,大陆那个就是这么死的。 +1