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You can also count Canadian residency days if you are outside Canada for an extended period of time for one of the following reasons: You are accompanying your Canadian-citizen spouse or common-law partner.

You are a child accompanying a Canadian-citizen parent.

You are employed on a full-time basis by a Canadian business, the Public Service of Canada or the public service of a Canadian province.

You are accompanying your permanent resident spouse or common-law partner who is also outside Canada and who is employed on a full-time basis by a Canadian business, the Public Service of Canada or the public service of a Canadian province.

You are a child accompanying a permanent resident parent who is outside Canada and employed on a full-time basis by a Canadian business, the Public Service of Canada or the public service of a Canadian province.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 在加拿大生下小孩后,父母如果和小孩一起回中国,并放弃加居民身份,以后小孩再回加的时候,父母可以一起去加吗?
    • 好像不行, 要重新申请。
      • 这个问题我也想了解, 孩子是加国公民是否可以帮助父母保留永久居民身份? 保留永久居民身份的四个条件之一
        是只要"Family member"是加国公民即可帮助其它Family member"保持永久居民身份, 但是加驻中国大使馆的中文翻译上却指只有配偶一方是加国公民才可以帮助另一方保持永久居民身份. 我觉得Family Member的概念应该要比配偶更宽. 不知是否有前辈了解, 请以指正
        • Once the kids grow up, there will no longer be considered as family members.
        • English version is same, no other "family member" can help you keep PR,ONLY SPOUSE OR PARTENER
          • 请问,英文版有联接吗?我有一次打电话问CIC,他们说没有这回事?
            • You can also count Canadian residency days if you are outside Canada for an extended period of time for one of the following reasons: You are accompanying your Canadian-citizen spouse or common-law partner.
              You are a child accompanying a Canadian-citizen parent.

              You are employed on a full-time basis by a Canadian business, the Public Service of Canada or the public service of a Canadian province.

              You are accompanying your permanent resident spouse or common-law partner who is also outside Canada and who is employed on a full-time basis by a Canadian business, the Public Service of Canada or the public service of a Canadian province.

              You are a child accompanying a permanent resident parent who is outside Canada and employed on a full-time basis by a Canadian business, the Public Service of Canada or the public service of a Canadian province.
    • 这个问题比较绕:

      1. 根据现行法律,永久居民必须在五年里住满两年;或在海外受雇于加拿大企业或陪同加拿大公民的配偶或父母(而不是加国公民孩子陪同中国公民父母);或者有移民官认为出于人道主义此居民可以保有居民身份。

      2. 作为一个中国公民且非加国移民,只要有“临时居民签证”就可以进入加拿大。与加国公民小孩回加与否无关。

      3. 任何一个加国公民年满18岁以后,且符合其他一定条件,按照目前的移民法可以以团聚移民方式,让其父母移民加拿大。
    • 记得孩子回国可以办理寄养证,就可以保住国籍