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暂时的偏听偏信篇(因为没报二毛的数据) --- ZT Russia loses 790 soldiers, 9 tanks in a single day!

Ukraine eliminated 790 Russian soldiers in the last 24 hours, bringing the total toll of Russia's military personnel losses to a daunting 363,000 since the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 暂时的偏听偏信篇(因为没报二毛的数据) --- ZT Russia loses 790 soldiers, 9 tanks in a single day!
    Ukraine eliminated 790 Russian soldiers in the last 24 hours, bringing the total toll of Russia's military personnel losses to a daunting 363,000 since the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion.
    • 都21世纪了,斯拉夫民族还这么惨烈地互相残杀!可怜可叹!
      • 这样的感慨你发了多少遍了? +2
        • Mind your own business +2
          • really?斯拉夫民族成了your own business了?那我可是打扰了
            • It's not yours business whatever I repeated it or not
              • You don't have to mind only your own business, neither do I.
                • Get lost! Never follow me again +1
      • 抢领土资源的事情和时间和族裔无关,俄罗斯目前只敢挑弱小国家下手。
        • 斯拉夫民族内斗!
          • 几千年来地球上的常态
    • 关健是“民主”社会光报对方伤损, 自己方 no data 🤣
      • 都说民主会纠错的,别急,等消停讨血汗钱时就多说了 +1
        • 关键是司机现在急招45万军人让人浮想联片啊🤔️……
      • 报的战绩越大,💰就会源源不断投资进来!
    • 例行每天500-1000