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完全没问题,加拿大5年期国债收益率继续降,还有今天的报纸:Bank of Canada officials more confident that rates are high enough, according to meeting summary

The bank’s six-person governing council, led by Governor Tiff Macklem, hasn’t ruled out further rate hikes if needed

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 自从11月CPI发布出来,隔夜利率市场交易员对央行减息预估时间又往后延迟了,房市咋搞 +3
    • 房炒炒们胆战心惊 +4
    • 鲍威尔刚说准备降息,英国央行,欧央行,甚至日本央行都表示不排除加息。哎,人心散了,大家都要求自保。 +3
      • 你们房盼盼又开始捞稻草了。这连个草灰也算不上吧。还不排除加息呐。LOL,看看国债收益都蹦成什么样了。你们抱团取暖? +5
    • 完全没问题,加拿大5年期国债收益率继续降,还有今天的报纸:Bank of Canada officials more confident that rates are high enough, according to meeting summary +1
      The bank’s six-person governing council, led by Governor Tiff Macklem, hasn’t ruled out further rate hikes if needed
    • 5年国债收益率新低3.1多了。 +2
      • 很快会看到4%的固定贷款利率了。 +4
        • 借你吉言,希望这天早日到来! :) +1