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Enrolment Capped Secondary Schools

For many years, our Board has worked to ensure our schools are equipped to  manage student enrolment growth. In cases where school communities have experienced significant growth measures have been put in place to mitigate associated challenges.  For example, many of our secondary schools are already closed to transfers to students from outside the attendance area. In some cases, schools continue to grow in enrolment beyond the physical capacity of the school.​  

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 听说即使现在在特鲁多高中学区买了房,也不能马上入学,要排队等一年半载的,是这样吗? +1
    • 为什么?
      • 据说是大幅度超员了。
        • 据说不准确
          • 昨天听一个朋友说的,当时觉得很奇怪,如果是新移民,不管是在这个学区买房还是租房,如果不让孩子入学,这不合理吧。但是看人家信誓旦旦的样子,所以有次一问。
            • 不合理。特鲁多最近也不是最热门学校。也可能是多伦多要搬过来的太多了,最近改政策了?只看到bayview重新划片,没看到其他学校有什么政策变动。
              • 很多人去投诉。 Bayview SS 基本回复原来的划分了。
    • 打个电话问学校或教育局就清楚了
      • 没那个闲工夫。这里发个灌水帖,看看大家有人知道答案吗。
    • 直觉可能性不大。
    • 不可能吧,那一年半载去哪呢?
    • Enrolment Capped Secondary Schools
      For many years, our Board has worked to ensure our schools are equipped to  manage student enrolment growth. In cases where school communities have experienced significant growth measures have been put in place to mitigate associated challenges.  For example, many of our secondary schools are already closed to transfers to students from outside the attendance area. In some cases, schools continue to grow in enrolment beyond the physical capacity of the school.​