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I was a Bodyguard for a Chinese Serial Rapist
No joke, I was at one time a bodyguard for a Chinese celebrity/rapist and now you'll get to hear the story and see the pictures...For a deeper dive into Chin...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 一个原籍南非的博主 +2
    I was a Bodyguard for a Chinese Serial Rapist
    No joke, I was at one time a bodyguard for a Chinese celebrity/rapist and now you'll get to hear the story and see the pictures...For a deeper dive into Chin...
    • 他是最早离开中国的老外网红(大概5年前),还是有先见之明,现在连所谓最挺中国的老外网红也基本跑光了,最新一个是教英语的麦克老师(住了12年),这些都是娶了中国老婆的 +5
      • 吾皇威武,岂容洋人在中华大地横行霸道。要让那蛮夷一下飞机即寸步难行 +3
    • 他的一个油管视频:Why India is Better than China
      Why India is Better than China
      China really could take a page out of India's book...Watch Stay Awesome, China! here:https://youtu.be/mSie5A3LWgIFor a deeper dive into China's Propaganda in...
      • 听了前面几分钟,就听出问题来了。说"Indian is honest",Delta大流行期间印度政府不也是言论封锁么?比中国能好多少?现实生活中印度人都诚实么?去问问公司里有很多印度人的揉脸人,去问问房子租给印度人的揉脸人都很清楚了。
        • I had lived in a more traditional community in India. I rented a scooter, was asked to come back in 3 days to pay the rent, without even asking for my name, let alone ID. There was basic trust here. +1
          • 哪个城市?多年前去印度出差,在hederabad住过几个星期。其实印度的旅游资源也很丰富,不过对华人来说去得比较少,去的人多是出差
    • 这人特别反中 +1
    • 蛋炒饭就是联合国军的南非籍飞行员炸的。 +3
      • 波兰飞行员,苏德瓜分波兰时跑到英国,二战结束后波兰成苏联附庸回不去,英国帮这些人找工作,所以去了南非 +2
    • 说的不是那个逮谁给谁正能量的种人?
    • 外国人都跑光了。这里几个老粉啥时候回流啊?😄 +5