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My husbend dosen't like take shower what should I do?Any good idea?

My husbend is very good guy and I love him very much. but he has a very bad habit that he doesn't like take shower expecialy in the winter.
I'm so mad with him about this. everytime I have to beg him go to washroom to take a shower. He never take shower himself If I don't make him. Until now, He has been two weeks didn't take shower .
Everytime when I ask him to do it he alway say "I'm not dirty". It's seems like his gonna be die if he take. I'm fed up and so tired to beg him to do it. Do you have any good idea instead fight? Thank you very much for you help!

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  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / My husbend dosen't like take shower what should I do?Any good idea?
    My husbend is very good guy and I love him very much. but he has a very bad habit that he doesn't like take shower expecialy in the winter.
    I'm so mad with him about this. everytime I have to beg him go to washroom to take a shower. He never take shower himself If I don't make him. Until now, He has been two weeks didn't take shower .
    Everytime when I ask him to do it he alway say "I'm not dirty". It's seems like his gonna be die if he take. I'm fed up and so tired to beg him to do it. Do you have any good idea instead fight? Thank you very much for you help!
    • 不洗澡不让进卧房。
      • I've tryed this way too many times. It's uesless :(((((((
        • It may be too rude to say that "Rome was not built in a day". A habit, either good or bad If ingrained, must have been nurtured over the years.
      • 你也两个星期不洗,熏熏他.
        • 以毒攻毒这招倒没想过。
    • My husband has this habit too! But his period is much shorter than your husband. At the beginning I acted like you, and now i don't care any more. No action is useful ,believe me! So take it easy.
      • your husband has PERIOD? haha, poor english.
        • 那我倒想知道,如果想表达“周期”该用哪个单词?
          • you are thinking in chinese, which makes your english freak. In this case, you may say....my husband takes shower more often than your husband does.
          • cycle
    • 两个人一起洗. 他肯定就愿意了.
      • 我发现小舟的帖子越来越言简意赅啦
        • LOL
      • 少儿不宜
        • Rolia还有少儿么?指出来瞧瞧
    • 几个月前MIT BBS上对此进行了大讨论,可以上那里看看有没有经验可寻。可以安慰的是,有这种坏习惯的人是很多的。
    • 要没有孩子要照顾,可以陪他在浴室里,和他聊天.要不就帮他洗或两人一起洗.
      • Were you the Dentist in china? I am looking for you now. could you Please, please call me. (416)733-6129. Please. I have question to ask.
    • 不洗就离婚,同时分掉他财产
    • 这个媳妇真是有意思,这样的的小事情也管?
      • 老婆就是管小事. 国家大事让男人去管.
        • 啊啊。我错了。。。
    • Try make bubble bath for him. :-)
      • LoL .I would like to try it myself. Thank you anyway.
    • 有意思.去理发店收集些头发渣子,每天晚上等他下班一进家门,上去先给一kiss顺手丢一些那东西去他脖子里面,估计你的问题就解决了
      • You are brilliant ! I've never try it before, good idea!!!!!~! Thank you very much.
        Let me give him some COLOR to SEE SEE :)))))))))
    • 还是用中文吧大姐。。。
      • 同感同感
      • 同感同感
    • 2星期不洗澡?这.....还是文明人吗?
    • 2星期不洗澡?不可思议,这...这...这不是
      • hahaha, Why are you guys so mean? Too many person in china do as the same as him. Maybe he wants to save heating and water for family expense. Hai, it is not easy to be a man.
    • 松花蛋就这样做成的,心里美
      • :D :D :D
      • haha
    • 浴室里准备一台电脑一把刷子. 一边刷柔丽雅一边刷澡 (鉴于二周没洗澡). 以后下班就进浴室刷刷刷
    • 这种无聊话题在rolia向来是最火爆的,sailor,你怎么不将之打入水缸或无聊专区?
    • 江山易改,秉性难移。劝也没用,有的人就是跟猪一样,随他去吧,这样的人你也嫁?!唉
      • 嫁的就是这样的猪人, 还是看看有没有方法解决问题了.
        • 让她自己也别洗,一起臭:D
    • 你也不刷锅, 就不用买保险了.
      小偷晚上去偷锅, 把锅巴掀走, 锅留下了. 丈夫追上去, 小偷一刀下去, 把他不洗澡, 身上日积月累的厚铿, 砍下来了. 毫毛未损.
      • 这好像是小时候听的一个故事:P,不过真难想象2个礼拜不洗澡会怎么样
        • 马三立有个相声不是说半年没洗澡嘛,体重增加二斤多