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Act now: The University of Waterloo is projecting a $15-million deficit this year

University of Waterloo vice-president academic and provost James W.E. Rush says Ontario universities are facing a cash-crunch and makes a case for increased funding

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / Act now: The University of Waterloo is projecting a $15-million deficit this year
    University of Waterloo vice-president academic and provost James W.E. Rush says Ontario universities are facing a cash-crunch and makes a case for increased funding
    • 扩招。 +1
    • 要不把数学院的都按cs 收费?一下就扭亏为盈了。
      • 让大部分专业招一半(以上)的国际留学生, 立马盈余多多的. 也不需要增加学费,裁减人员, 更不需要扩招. +1
        • 👍 一半留学生,本地生可以免学费,财政仍有盈余 +1
      • 不如把数学裁掉,全招CS,改名CS学院。很多大学读在裁数学呢。
        • 美加很多23和24年的CS毕业生都在哭找不到工作,还扩? +2
          • 这样呀?top50还好吧?
    • 裁员!养的闲人太多 +1
    • 40万的校友都不肯捐款吗? +16
      • 见过挖掘机添砖加瓦吗?不给你挖墙脚就不错了,哈哈! +1
      • 不仅不捐款,心里还在想,咋还要收学费呢? +1
      • 都换成房贷了
    • 校友不给力啊 +8
    • 涨价。。。通胀这么高,怎么会没赤字。 +2
    • This is a part of the political game to force the Ontario government to lift the tuition freezing legislation. 学费涨价是必然趋势 +1
      • 还有增加留学生。然后热门专业多收留学生把钱先收了能不能毕业同它没关系.