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6月4日,《柳叶刀》发布了该论文的撤稿声明,4位作者中的3位提出要求撤回论文,理由是“无法完成对分析数据的独立审查,不能再保证原始数据源的准确性了”。 撤稿事件后,《柳叶刀》对论文投稿提出了新要求,…
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  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 原来早就知道疫苗有问题了,pizer临床实验,突然死亡是对照组的2倍 +13
    Sudden deaths were twice as high among the vaccinated in the original Pfizer clinical trial, researchers have found, reigniting concerns about the safety of the novel mRNA drug.
    • 该文作者认为:However, +2
      while these figures from the trial are clearly a red flag that warrant urgent further investigation, the relatively small numbers involved mean the results are not statistically significant. Statistically speaking, we can’t be more than 95% confident they did not occur by chance.
    • dailysceptic.org 被认为是一个伪科学网站。Overall, we rate the Daily Sceptic a far-right biased quackery level pseudoscience website that frequently publishes false and misleading information regarding covid-19 and science in general. +3
      CONSPIRACY-PSEUDOSCIENCE Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence.
      • 没关系,到了肉脸就是能获奖的网站了 +6
      • 你们这些人就这样的水平?英雄不问出处,人家是转载的 +5
        Sudden deaths in the Pfizer/BioNTech trial
        • 很好奇柳叶刀有转载的文章吗? +1
          • 柳叶刀是盖兹把控的,说疫苗不好的论文都上不了柳叶刀。说HCQ无效的论文,哪怕是数据来源于垃圾公司,也能上柳叶刀,虽然后来灰溜溜的撤稿,但目的已经达到了,把HCQ彻底打倒了。 +11
            • 自然是谁把控的?肉脸又是谁把控的?HCQ如果有效还是能获炸药奖的 +1
              • 有效就能获炸药奖?这么说那些没获炸药奖的药都是无效的? +2
              • 别的药可能不行,但HCQ可以
                • DDT也获了炸药奖,你可以弄点在菜地里洒洒,safe and effective. +1
            • The journal Lancet is not controlled by Bill Gates or his organizations.
              The Lancet operates independently and is governed by its own editorial team, which consists of experts in various medical disciplines. The journal's editorial decisions are based on rigorous scientific review processes and adherence to ethical guidelines for publication.
              • 难道柳叶刀会承认被盖子把控?看看柳叶刀的大丑闻: +4
                6月4日,《柳叶刀》发布了该论文的撤稿声明,4位作者中的3位提出要求撤回论文,理由是“无法完成对分析数据的独立审查,不能再保证原始数据源的准确性了”。 撤稿事件后,《柳叶刀》对论文投稿提出了新要求,…
                • 与Gates有何关系?看不出哪里是丑闻? +1
                  • 柳叶刀发表垃圾论文说HCQ无效,WHO和各国立马叫停HCQ试验,FDA撤销HCQ紧急授权,HCQ 被彻底打倒。目的达到后,柳叶刀灰溜溜撤稿,承认数据来源不可靠,来自野鸡公司。 +3
                    • 看了WHO原文,只是停止对住院病人的大合作实验,但是对HCQ的实验并不影响:This decision applies only to the conduct of the Solidarity trial in hospitalized patients and does not affect the possible evaluation in other studies of hydroxychloroquine。
                      WHO today accepted the recommendation from the Solidarity Trial’s International Steering Committee to discontinue the trial’s hydroxychloroquine and lopinavir/ritonavir arms. The Solidarity Trial was established by WHO to find an effective COVID-19 treatment for hospitalized patients. The International Steering Committee formulated the recommendation in light of the evidence for hydroxychloroquine vs standard-of-care and for lopinavir/ritonavir vs standard-of-care from the Solidarity trial interim results, and from a review of the evidence from all trials presented at the 1-2 July WHO Summit on COVID-19 research and innovation. These interim trial results show that hydroxychloroquine and lopinavir/ritonavir produce little or no reduction in the mortality of hospitalized COVID-19 patients when compared to standard of care. Solidarity trial investigators will interrupt the trials with immediate effect. For each of the drugs, the interim results do not provide solid evidence of increased mortality. There were, however, some associated safety signals in the clinical laboratory findings of the add-on Discovery trial, a participant in the Solidarity trial. These will also be reported in the peer-reviewed publication. This decision applies only to the conduct of the Solidarity trial in hospitalized patients and does not affect the possible evaluation in other studies of hydroxychloroquine or lopinavir/ritonavir in non-hospitalized patients or as pre- or post-exposure prophylaxis for COVID-19. The interim Solidarity results are now being readied for peer-reviewed publication.
                      • 从柳叶刀撤稿最多只能说明HCQ无效的论据不够充分,离HCQ有效的说法还有十万八千里远
                        • 什么论据不够充分?根本就是伪造的数据,野鸡公司根本不可能短时间内拿到671家医院的数据。证明HCQ有效的论文多的是,假装没看见而已。 +1
                      • 我说的是5月份的事,你贴个7月份的干什么。随便一搜就能搜到,柳叶刀论文发表后,英国、法国、WHO立马叫停HCQ。其它国家的懒得搜了。 +1
                        An international hydroxychloroquine trial led by the University of Oxford has been paused, Britain's pharmaceutical regulator said on Wednesday, less than a week after the trial started, amid fresh safety concerns over the drug.
                        • 真理或者事实与时间无关。以前不对事你现在还拿出来说有意义吗?
                          • 我说柳叶刀论文发表后WHO和各国叫停HCQ,你拿个WHO的文章来证明只有WHO叫停,别的国家没有叫停? +1
                            • 你说“随便一搜就能搜到”,这里就不一一反驳你了,浪费时间
                              • 那你承认不是只有WHO叫停了HCQ吗? +1
        • 昨天伟哥ceo们带口罩上写“science will win”, 这帮人想封人口真是到极致,自觉不自觉就显露出来,看看是不是evil?! +9


          • 2019年底辉瑞股价30多,这几年发了疫苗财,现在股价只有29,花街认为他们是loser。 +2
          • 是silence will win,邪恶至极! +2
      • “far right“极右刊物,坐实了说的是真理---每当民选总理或者权威大霉体说谁是极右纳粹种族分子,我就知道这人必定是好人,可准了,呵呵呵。 -itwriting(halfpercent); 11-9 +8
        • 这个网站是一个人的blog,wiki说专门刊登误导covid疫苗和否认气候变化的东西 +2
          • CDC主任说打了疫苗不会带病毒,不会得新冠。Wiki有没有说CDC发布误导covid疫苗信息? +7
    • 原因很清楚,刺突蛋白是剧毒。用人体生产毒素,虽然有人没事,倒霉的肯定不少。按照这个思路,下次可以用人体生产眼镜蛇毒,有人能产生蛇毒抗体,以后就毒不死了 +10
      • Wrong! The spike protein itself is not poisonous. +1
        • 国外疫苗研究人员承认刺突蛋白是危险的 “毒素” +4
          • LifeSiteNews (or simply LifeSite) is a Canadian Catholic conservative anti-abortion advocacy website and news publication.
            LifeSiteNews has published misleading information and conspiracy theories, and in 2021, was banned from some social media platforms for spreading COVID-19 misinformation.
        • 刺突蛋白造成疫苗后的心肌炎,现在CDC都不敢说刺突蛋白无毒了。Circulating Spike Protein Detected in Post–COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Myocarditis +6
          • The spike protein itself is not inherently toxic or harmful. The detection of the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus does not imply that the spike protein itself is a toxin. +1
            • 皮里进了小刺就难受的唧唧歪歪了,这个蛋白真神奇,注射到身体里没事,还有其它东西加到人体里没事的吗? +4
              • 小刺是个肉眼可见的物体形状,刺突蛋白是一种分子结构,来表明在病毒粒子上的凸起结构。水分子还是一个三角形的块块,进入人体也应该刺死了? +1
                • 毒蛇毒液也是蛋白质,造你这么说也无毒了?! +3
                  • 刺突蛋白只是在病毒感染过程中起到重要的作用, +1
                    • 上面已经有人给你文献说明突刺蛋白本身有毒,就像蛇毒有切入点,这个也有,最早大家认为只是帮助病毒结合细胞打开通道,但后来临床发现远不止如此。人体来个外来物,你非说的病不是外来物造成的,你做了啥研究这么有确定啊?发表一下也拿个炸药奖吧。 +7
                      • that is a misleading website. no one believes it but you. +1
                        • It is a fact, only you don't want to acknowledge it. But funny thing is, you refuse to take more shot despite Nobel price and Trudeau's show. Please, don't be a hypocrite. +5
          • 刺突蛋白具有细胞和神经毒性,可以穿越血脑屏障,对大脑神经造成不可逆损伤 +5
            • 论文出处?
            • 我没看到突刺蛋白能够突破血脑屏障,但是纳米微粒包裹的mrna可以,所以只有疫苗才会导致大脑中出现突刺蛋白,而染病不会。你有文献支持你蛋白本身能够穿透屏障吗? +3
              • 氧化石墨稀和突刺蛋白可突破血腦屏障造成老年癡呆 +2
                • COVID-19 vaccines contain graphene oxide are unfounded. it is a rumor. no rumor spreading please.
                  • the culprit appeared to be the lipid nano-particles (LNPs) which carry the mRNA in the vaccineptive immune responses : “We found that pre-exposure to mRNA-LNPs or LNP alone led to long-term inhibition of the adaptive immune responses +1
                  • 是相信政府呢,还是相信自己的眼睛。ZT 很多图像和视频,看看疫苗里的NANO PARTICLE 在血管里形成的物质 Self assembly structures in mRNA-injections: natural or created after all +2
                  • mRNA的LNP,不能像病毒一样通过受体进入细胞,只能采取暴力手段进细胞,所以什么细胞都进,根本不区分。氧化石墨烯薄片是最好的暴力进细胞手段,千老写的相关论文无数。mRNA不公布LNP成分,说是专利,肯定也用类似方法了。 +3
                    • 绝对的。看看那个炸药奖她其他文章就知道是不是用LNP了。
                • 这个视频严格来说没有说明突刺蛋白突破屏障,而是强调纳米微粒造成突破。我还是认为是微粒帮助mRNA穿透屏障然后欺骗人体细胞制造突刺蛋白,所以这种现象只有疫苗有,的病不会有。
                  • mRNA能病毒一样通过受体进细胞的LNP,我们还能相信。现在没这个技术,只有物理方式暴力进细胞,物理手段是用氧化石墨烯刺进细胞膜,还是其他带电硬物刺进细胞膜,最后都会导致血栓,因为没有酶能降解这些东西。 +2
    • 在这里唧唧歪歪当内行没有用,拿这证据去起诉政府才是正理,赶紧去,不要怂,坚决支持你们。 +3
    • 难道以前推出针药都是没问题才推出么?反疫苗总是把劲儿用错地方。感觉韩国做法如果属实,可算相对合理,既对疫情药物出现问题承担责任,表现担当,又不会停止疫苗研究改进,因为这是人类面对病毒的科学可行做法 +1
      • 反疫苗份子篡改歪曲了韩国报道。韩国有约6千万人打了疫苗,至今诉讼死亡只83人,其中只有18人获得赔偿compensation,另些人获‘慰问金condolence money。这次是都发‘慰问金’!! 被歪曲成‘赔偿金’。(慰问金含义:如韩国传统参葬礼每人带20万慰问金 +5
        一百万人吃任何药,其中有人死亡都是正常的。美国因服用过量的Advil 类消炎药每年死亡人数是16500人
    • (#15769903@0) 没有统计显著性,就表明什么也说明不了,因为用该组数据,也同样可以有这样的结论:“打疫苗自杀死亡是对照组的无数倍,对照组死于老年痴呆症是打疫苗的无数倍,等等。总之,没有统计显著性,你可以根据你的立场找出任何想说的惊人的话语,但无意义 +2
      • 那些人被一个人类新研制的疫苗吓得如惊弓之鸟。却忘记了人类过往所有疫苗都是这样走过来,ta们自己和的后代也打了无数疫苗,之前的人们为新疫苗的稳定成熟也付出过代价,但没有改变人类依靠疫苗抵抗病毒这一科学方式 +3
      • 不这样写估计根本不会发表,写科学论文discussion部分两边看法都说说太常见了,不表示数据有问题。打针死人多,不防的病不防传染,不管他们怎么修饰“没有统计显著”,他们敢在疫苗中心前立个牌子写上这些然后让人consent吗? +4
    • 地球人都知道。病毒死1千万,疫苗死8拾万。你是8拾万分子一,很不幸,可以给你立个碑。
      • 立个碑也不可能,美国只承认了8个疫苗受害者,人均补偿2000,跟打发叫花子差不多。响应政府号召打疫苗,打残了政府就不理你了。 +6
    • Pfizer, watch the vocabulary.
      • missing letter F, first letter of the word False +1