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One of our biggest problems is that Western politicians are basically sociopaths interested only in power, money, and having a great career.

As always, Jews, as an elite, aim their activism at influencing the most powerful, prestigious institutions in society. Jewish influence is always top-down—control the high points of the media, academic, and political pyramid of power, and the rest will conform or at least be manageable.

Perhaps the greatest strength that Jews have is that since World War II they have occupied the moral high ground. The Western media has been deluged with messages of Jews as victims of irrational anti-Semitism.

The Boston Globe, who claimed in 2019 that the main lesson of the Holocaust is “that white supremacy could turn on us at any moment,” and that the strategy of appealing to the White majority “has never worked for us. It didn’t protect us in Spain, or England, or France, or Germany. There’s no reason to think it will work now.”

We remember the role of Jews in the Soviet mass murders and their traditional ethics in which non-Jews have no moral value and in which exploiting non-Jews is just fine as long as it doesn’t hurt Jewish interests in general.

In traditional Western culture, the moral framework was provided by Christian religious authorities who were often, even typically, not friendly to Jews.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / The Gaza war is bringing us an awesome display of Jewish power over the US media and political culture. It’s a display that could effectively wake Americans up to how deeply entrenched Jews are in the American power structure. +2
    • 如果去看主流媒体,你基本上看不到支持巴勒斯坦的游行,这些媒体通过有选择的新闻来给大众洗脑,让你以为一切一切的错都是哈马斯,包括那些4000多儿童的死亡,却把侩子手当成了受害人 +6
      • It’s obvious that Jewish media influence is critical for this. However, as always, the ultimate cause of Jewish power is simply money — most obviously funding a powerful infrastructure of influence, organizations like the ADL. +1
      • 虾扯蛋,家里的teenage早被老师洗了,敢在小孩面前说哈马斯是恐怖分子的,立马让你老无所养,这帮遗老也就在这过过嘴瘾而已。 +3
        • 哈马斯是加拿大官方认定的恐怖组织 +2
          • 现在小孩谁听官方的,XX police 才够潮,政府是拿来推翻的,时不时罢课游行一下才算没浪费青春。
        • 不要用你的经历代表所有teenage
          • 哦,原来你家小宝贝都看主流媒体,还被这些媒体洗脑了,跟我们这些老帮菜一样的观点?我不知道是替你高兴还是替你难过。
    • 现在西方民主国家底层的政治生态,美国盎撒人控制着政治+军队,犹太人控制着金融+媒体,其他西方国家当地精英阶层控制政治+军队,犹太人控制着当地的金融+媒体,犹太人绑定地方精英,一起统治世界 +2
      • One of our biggest problems is that Western politicians are basically sociopaths interested only in power, money, and having a great career.

        As always, Jews, as an elite, aim their activism at influencing the most powerful, prestigious institutions in society. Jewish influence is always top-down—control the high points of the media, academic, and political pyramid of power, and the rest will conform or at least be manageable.

        Perhaps the greatest strength that Jews have is that since World War II they have occupied the moral high ground. The Western media has been deluged with messages of Jews as victims of irrational anti-Semitism.

        The Boston Globe, who claimed in 2019 that the main lesson of the Holocaust is “that white supremacy could turn on us at any moment,” and that the strategy of appealing to the White majority “has never worked for us. It didn’t protect us in Spain, or England, or France, or Germany. There’s no reason to think it will work now.”

        We remember the role of Jews in the Soviet mass murders and their traditional ethics in which non-Jews have no moral value and in which exploiting non-Jews is just fine as long as it doesn’t hurt Jewish interests in general.

        In traditional Western culture, the moral framework was provided by Christian religious authorities who were often, even typically, not friendly to Jews.

    • 楼上都是穆斯林吗? +4
      • 什么穆斯林!都是些为了三毛一帖来卖命卖身的而已!
      • 怎么,老板是犹太人?
    • 或者说 直接暴露了美国伪善的面目 +4
      • 最初揭露犹太教虚伪的是新约马太福音第 23章 – 文士和法利赛人的灾难,西方文明的重要组成部分之一: 基督教。此章是新约里对文士和法利赛人批评最严厉的一章。
        • 所以否定了基督教 犹太人就可以获得同理心
          • 没明白你的意思😛从马太福音看基督教批评部份犹太教徒虚伪、伪善、言行不一也是很正常的批评,基督被犹大出卖钉死在十字架只是当时文化程度有限的基督徒更容易理解的感性故事。西人对伪善 Hypercritical 的认识和批评就此展开。
    • 这次将美国政府的短裤剪了个黑洞洞将乌克兰/以色列两个🥚被迫同时显示天下 —— 彻底暴露了一切都是为了利益“双标”的丑恶嘴脸… +1
      • Caucasian 的命运将来比巴勒斯坦人还悲惨。
        The Palestinians represent all Gentile nations in their battle for survival. We caucasian have all become Amalek and the American Government is Amalek’s worst traitor. Netanyahu has identified us as Amalek and we should thank him for that,

        🔴Amalek (/ˈæməlɛk/; Hebrew: עֲמָלֵק, 'Ămālēq, Arabic: عماليق 'Amālīq) was a nation described in the Hebrew Bible as a staunch enemy of the Israelites.
    • 应该让蛤蟆丝领导美国