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我前几天预测央行明年3月减息,今天yahoo finance头版说明年4月减息。无论3月还是4月减息,房价并不一定涨,但至少可以避免房市崩溃,尤其condo市场的爆雷。但更大的问题是商业建房,已经岌岌可危,不救不行。

OTTAWA (Reuters) -Canadian market participants expect the Bank of Canada (BoC) to start cutting its key policy rate from a 22-year high of 5.00% in April 2024, a month later than the previous forecast, according to a survey released by the central bank on Monday. The survey showed a median of 27 financial participants expect interest rates to drop to 4.00% in the fourth quarter of 2024, up from an expectation of 3.50% in the previous survey released in July. The survey was conducted from Sept. 20-28 - before official data showed Canada's annual inflation rate unexpectedly slowed to 3.8% in September and the economy likely slipped into a shallow recession in the third quarter.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 我前几天预测央行明年3月减息,今天yahoo finance头版说明年4月减息。无论3月还是4月减息,房价并不一定涨,但至少可以避免房市崩溃,尤其condo市场的爆雷。但更大的问题是商业建房,已经岌岌可危,不救不行。 +1
    OTTAWA (Reuters) -Canadian market participants expect the Bank of Canada (BoC) to start cutting its key policy rate from a 22-year high of 5.00% in April 2024, a month later than the previous forecast, according to a survey released by the central bank on Monday. The survey showed a median of 27 financial participants expect interest rates to drop to 4.00% in the fourth quarter of 2024, up from an expectation of 3.50% in the previous survey released in July. The survey was conducted from Sept. 20-28 - before official data showed Canada's annual inflation rate unexpectedly slowed to 3.8% in September and the economy likely slipped into a shallow recession in the third quarter.
    • 挺住 +1
      • 是的,近期想买房的或许应该挺到明年3、4月份再挂出。 +2
    • 我觉得住宅还好,毕竟人都是要住的。但是商业地产不看好,都WFH,即使政府努力把人赶回办公室,最多恢复50%。过几年,等商业地产lease renewal的时候,就看出来了。 +3
      • 现在金融机构裁员,等裁到办公室都能坐得下后就会让大家回去上班 +1
        • 不回去上班就裁掉。。。银行职员WHF,效率很低,公司也不傻。在家办公,不就是摸鱼嘛。。。大公司政府,裁掉一半,完全不影响工作。。。
        • 有没有什么消息?明年会恢复一周至少三天回办公室?
          • 大家都明白在家办公的效率,资本家不傻。预计未来会很多裁员,WFH都可以裁掉。不信,明年这时候再看。
            • 吾土在银行任职,想问问他有什么内幕消息。
      • 是的,商业地产目前看不到任何活路,好像政府很怕这块爆雷,但又无能为力。
      • Warehouse 和industrial 的怎样?前两年买的人今年卖出的都赚了一倍多了。再早些买的,都翻了4倍了。
        • 术业有专攻、买warehouse的本来就不是为了屯warehouse去买的、肯定是要用warehouse来产生现金流的,工业地产除非你是实际用、不然别碰
          • 还别说。我还真认识不少人买来就是纯出租投资的。
            • 所以说别跟风,机会很多。
        • 除非你做实业,否则千万别碰工业地。温哥华不少华人买仓库出租给集运公司,但挣钱不挣钱就不好说了,好处没人赖租,坏处嘛,就是回报率
          • 想想就麻烦。但最近几年,很火。
    • 不一定哦,刚刚澳洲央行才加的息,6月以来首次 +1
    • 央行利率政策不会指向某个行业,应该是整个经济层面的考虑。 +1
    • 最好能够软着陆,避免大的社会动荡。
      • 软着陆美国或许还可能,加拿大悬 +1
    • 央行又吵起来要加息了,这次黑天鹅很肥,要压死很多廋骆驼啦。 +1