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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


OTTAWA — Israel is "pleased" that Canada has joined the United States and France in believing that an explosion at a Gaza City hospital last week was fired by an errant rocket from within the Gaza Strip, the Israeli ambassador in Ottawa said Sunday. But intelligence and foreign affairs experts say the latest assertions will do little to calm tensions in the region or among supporters of Israel and Palestinians abroad. On Saturday Canada became the third western ally to back Israel's assertion th

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  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 加拿大得出结论,以色列没有轰炸加沙医院
    OTTAWA — Israel is "pleased" that Canada has joined the United States and France in believing that an explosion at a Gaza City hospital last week was fired by an errant rocket from within the Gaza Strip, the Israeli ambassador in Ottawa said Sunday. But intelligence and foreign affairs experts say the latest assertions will do little to calm tensions in the region or among supporters of Israel and Palestinians abroad. On Saturday Canada became the third western ally to back Israel's assertion th
    • 以方被突袭屠杀平民,需要狠狠的报复一下,干死哈马斯。现在被搞这些枝枝节节的事情扯皮,仇恨,士气都会受影响。几个星期了,一而鼓,三而竭。
      • 克制了冲动也好,能从长计议,精准打击,控制事态的发展。美国把重心放到中俄身上是对的,阎王除掉了,小鬼闹腾不了 +2
        • 巴以拿中俄开刀,俄不知道,中绝对躺枪。不信下回新疆出点事,肯定同一拨 msl在全世界各个角落游行,和今天反以一模一样。拿中俄为敌是冷战思维,早过时了。巴以是宗教战争,未来重点,无解。
          • 木木虽然不安生,但力量小。中俄就不一样,力量大造成的损害会很大 +1
            • 没这回事。都是旧式冷战思维做怪。川普在台上,和中俄修好,木木敢动吗?!中俄和木木不一样,有产就有顾虑,就可以谈。木木那是破罐破摔,和恐怖分子没法谈。
              • 中俄力量再大些,就不会跟你谈了
                • 川普就曾经谈。中俄再大,也有薄弱的地方,谈判的艺术在与此。冷战思维才是只要是敌人就反对的僵化模式。
    • IDF没有信誉,以前几次中东战争炸死联合国观察员,去年射杀巴裔美籍女记者拒不承认,制造各种大惨案。这次都不派调查员就下结论,与布查惨案操作完全不一样,谁信谁傻 +2
      • 我军的情报部门不会只看IDF的报告,而会结合各方的证据。我国政府已经代表人民发表了声明,你信不信无所谓。 +3
        • 去年射杀女记者到今年才承认,你以为证据这么好收集,炸死这么多人就急着下结论都是心中有鬼。现在好莱坞55个明星都给JB写信要求停止援助惨无人道的战争 +2