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我肯定看的是假新闻。哈哈 Fed's Bowman says it will likely be appropriate to raise rates again

Federal Reserve Governor Michelle Bowman on Saturday repeated her view that inflation continues to be too high despite "considerable" progress in lowering it, and the U.S. central bank will likely need to tighten monetary policy further.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 达拉斯(路透社) - 美联储高级官员在周一表示,美国长期国债收益率上升,直接影响了家庭和企业的融资成本,可能会导致美联储不再进一步提高短期政策利率,并将金融市场的工作替代为中央银行正式货币政策调整。lol +2
    • 我肯定看的是假新闻。哈哈 Fed's Bowman says it will likely be appropriate to raise rates again +3
      Federal Reserve Governor Michelle Bowman on Saturday repeated her view that inflation continues to be too high despite "considerable" progress in lowering it, and the U.S. central bank will likely need to tighten monetary policy further.
      • 你的已经过时了。 +1
    • 美国再加息自己欠的债务的利息都要付不起了 +2
    • FedWatch showed the estimated chance of a rate hike at the Fed's upcoming meeting plummet from around 27% at the start of the day to around 14% after the two officials spoke. +3
      The chance of a rate increase at the December meeting fell from around 36% to 24%.
    • 美联储鸽了 +2