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U.S. stocks slip, oil surges on Middle East violence

U.S. stock futures slipped in Asia on Monday as the military conflict in the Middle East boosted oil and Treasuries, while the sizzling September U.S. jobs report raised the rate stakes for inflation figures later in the week. A holiday in Japan made for thin conditions but the early bid was for bonds and the safe harbours of Japanese yen and gold, with the euro the main loser. "The risk is higher oil prices, a slump in equities, and a surge in volatility that supports the dollar and yen, and undermine 'risk' currencies," said analysts at CBA in a note.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 工商经济 / 周六新闻:Fed's Bowman says it will likely be appropriate to raise rates again;以色列打仗了,油价刚被政治性打压下来,又要回头了,利率还得彪 +2
    • 为了美国大哥的利益, 以色列能不能咽下这口气啊
    • 五天前的新闻了吧
    • 果不其然,原油开盘跳涨了:),政策性压制又搞了个寂寞。消息人士指出:几名美国公民在哈马斯对以色列的袭击中丧生。要搞大的感觉 +1
      • 中东一直打。没有深远影响。别高兴太早了! +1
        • 我擦,开盘到现在已经+5%了:) +1
    • 为了打压通胀,拜登已经把石油战略储备折腾到只够十几天了 +1
      • en,已经到1983年水平了:(,我觉得短期原油要回120
        • U.S. stocks slip, oil surges on Middle East violence +1
          U.S. stock futures slipped in Asia on Monday as the military conflict in the Middle East boosted oil and Treasuries, while the sizzling September U.S. jobs report raised the rate stakes for inflation figures later in the week. A holiday in Japan made for thin conditions but the early bid was for bonds and the safe harbours of Japanese yen and gold, with the euro the main loser. "The risk is higher oil prices, a slump in equities, and a surge in volatility that supports the dollar and yen, and undermine 'risk' currencies," said analysts at CBA in a note.
    • 这一周过得,起起伏伏,最终原油还是跳回来了,没脸储压也没用,120我来了
      • 拜登恐怕这次放不出储备油了
        • 已经没得放了,过去一周搞了很多原油期货单
    • 你这观点是错的, +2
      1970s石油危机时,油价爆涨,造成大量相关物资价格上升,通货inflation, 这个时候fed是降息,不是加,因为,这不是需要过大,这是生产成果上升,抑制消费,反而得降息促进消费。如果 是消费过旺,那得加息。你是逻辑通错了,不信,你可以google 一下1970s石油危机时利率变化
      • 你说的很对,美联储看的不是CPI 而是核心PCE(不包括能源和食品的消费者支出),由于非需求过高的能源和食品通胀,消费者其他方面的开支就自然减少,核心PCE就会下降,导致经济下行- 降息。这两年是滥发资金导致需求过高,所以加息。 +1
        • 对的。本质加息或降息,是为了调节供需平衡和经济活动。不是只看数字 。 +1
      • 妈呀,这两个一唱一和的,我就看数据,这几周眼见这收益率曲线尾巴翘起来了,higher for longer 你和我说降息:(,就加拿大方面,前两天的9月就业报告依然极其强劲,10年未见:),下周加拿大公布9月CPI,又要懵逼 +1
        • 我可没说会降息,加息还是降息是全面看,不可能只看一样东西。我指出你逻辑错误--油价高意味加息是错的。你不懂经济
          • 我去,我哪句话说“油价高=要加息”,这脑补的吓人,有些人啊,只相信臆想,臆想自己希望的
            • 你这是不是神经过敏,无法正常讨论就别说,有病一样。 +4
              • 你这脑子整的都魔怔了,满嘴粪坑,完全没素质,不骂你就难受的慌,你这嘴这么毒就不怕儿子女儿操报应嘛,有事实摆事实,有数据摆数据,瞎bb, 哥投资都是forward-looking +2
      • 再没事儿回你一句专业的,只要做投资的,从来没人傻x觉得原油和利率有相关性,它们之间投资相关性基本只在10-15%左右,不知道你在bb啥
    • 10/13周五  Tiff Macklem在IMF重申“Inflation’s still too high, it’s still too broad-based,” :),说完,26号的利率市场加息概率直接从28跳涨至40% +3