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肯·帕克斯顿 (Ken Paxton) 的辩护律师米奇·利特尔 (Mitch Little) 质问证人Ryan Vassar (该名证人向FBI举报Ken Paxton受贿,但是没有提出任何证据)

Ken Paxton attorney Mitch Little aggressively questions whistleblower witness
Mitch Little, an attorney for Ken Paxton, went on the attack when it was his turn to question a witness in the impeachment trial.
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  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 德州总检察长Ken Paxton弹劾案辩护律师Tony Buzbee的结案陈词 +4
    On September 16, voting began on Paxton's impeachment. Senators acquitted Paxton on all articles.
    Paxton impeachment trial: Attorney Tony Buzbee's full closing argument
    Attorney Tony Buzbee gives closing arguments in Ken Paxton's impeachment trial.
    • 肯·帕克斯顿 (Ken Paxton) 的辩护律师米奇·利特尔 (Mitch Little) 质问证人Ryan Vassar (该名证人向FBI举报Ken Paxton受贿,但是没有提出任何证据) +2
      Ken Paxton attorney Mitch Little aggressively questions whistleblower witness
      Mitch Little, an attorney for Ken Paxton, went on the attack when it was his turn to question a witness in the impeachment trial.
      • That's such a painful moment for the so-called "whistleblower"! 🤣
        • 最后极不情愿但又无可奈何蹦出yes
          • 他在那个地方如果说“不对,我确实有evidence”, 下一个问题就是把证据拿出来。显然拿不出来,那么第一个回答就足够让他进监狱了。
            • 貌似那几个证人的表现都很心虚 +1
              • 也不知道他们脑筋是怎么拌成一团的,居然还敢去作证。 +1
                • 因为法律诉讼是搬倒政治对手的主要途径,sue someone, not shoot someone from behind +2
    • 美国最“红”的州!
      • 布什家族在德州的势力盘根错节,布什家族和特凉普家族的矛盾早就是公开白热化了,这是一场两股势力的近身剿杀,所谓共和党人大义灭亲要弹劾共和党自己的总检查长的一出闹剧 +3
        • So, it appears that the Bush family is part of the Deep State. +1
          • 之前来自布什家族的青年才俊乔治。P。布什挑战Ken Paxton失败。布什家族和克林顿家族关系非常密切。小布什在公开场合说过克林顿当选总统后经常去New Hampshire拜访老布什。据传小布什和戈尔竞选最后关头 +2
            • 以前的共和党就是这样啊。这么说,Trump彻底把共和党的草根“策反”了。 +1
              • 估计按最初的安排是小布什卸任后再传位于希拉里再玩八年,结果没斗得过黑命丐帮弟子奥八,越干越烂被特凉普黑马杀出 +3
                • 早在八十年代后期,老布什时代,Trump 就已经在向记者抱怨美国走上一条错误的道路。真乃神人也。 +2
                  • 大家族大财团很容易勾结到一起,选举就是个表面文章糊弄大家,然后跨国势力也是一样勾结在一起,目的就是利益最大化。所以面对工作机会大量流失海外,普通百姓是毫无办法的。没有任何一个行业有铁饭碗高薪,资本化吸血那是毫无情面毫无道德可言的 +1
    • 👍👍👍 +1
      • 明年大选年有的闹了 +1
    • 辩方律师Tony Buzbee质疑检方指控Ken Paxton收受贿赂装修自己的厨房而提供在不同时期的厨房照片以驳回厨房曾经装修过的指控 +1
      Paxton impeachment trial: Tony Buzbee in another fiery exchange with prosecutors
      Ken Paxton lawyer Tony Buzbee and prosecutor Erin Epley had a fiery exchange over evidence in the impeachment trial.
      • 那个女的检察官真是突破无耻的底线啊。 +3
    • 现代版《竞选州长》? +2
      • 辩方首席律师Tony Buzbee的豪华生活 +3
        The extravagant life of Tony Buzbee
        Houston attorney Tony Buzbee is brash, bold and outspoken, and he thinks he'll make a great mayor because of those traits.