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Students Support Students (www.students-support-students.org) is a non-profit organization that connects high school students with elementary students for tutoring & learning opportunities. Our mission is to help students increase the participation, effectiveness and diversity in their learning experiences by assisting them in their journey of learning.

Our organization's tutors will work with the Executive Team to provide tutoring for elementary school students. As a volunteer based program you can also earn volunteer hours for tutoring and planning lessons, and it can contribute to your resume.

Our English Department Head will work with the tutors in their departments and will be in charge of managing their team’s quality control for teaching and material, as well as general tutoring schedules. Department heads may also tutor if they would like, but this position centers around running the department.

All applicants must be in high school and willing to dedicate to this position from September 2023 to June 2024.

The application deadline is Saturday, August 19, 2023. You will be notified of selections and your next steps as soon as possible following this deadline via email. If you have any questions please email info@students-support-students.org

Tutor application: https://forms.gle/2NfR4PvKRZ4SnR5y9
English Department Head application: https://forms.gle/BhniajJnNLHETuwj9


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 代发义工机会,不喜请绕行。一帮不爬藤、不申请奖学金的高中生只想为学弟学妹做点事儿,已坚持三年。有任何问题请直接发邮件。谢谢。 +2

    Students Support Students (www.students-support-students.org) is a non-profit organization that connects high school students with elementary students for tutoring & learning opportunities. Our mission is to help students increase the participation, effectiveness and diversity in their learning experiences by assisting them in their journey of learning.

    Our organization's tutors will work with the Executive Team to provide tutoring for elementary school students. As a volunteer based program you can also earn volunteer hours for tutoring and planning lessons, and it can contribute to your resume.

    Our English Department Head will work with the tutors in their departments and will be in charge of managing their team’s quality control for teaching and material, as well as general tutoring schedules. Department heads may also tutor if they would like, but this position centers around running the department.

    All applicants must be in high school and willing to dedicate to this position from September 2023 to June 2024.

    The application deadline is Saturday, August 19, 2023. You will be notified of selections and your next steps as soon as possible following this deadline via email. If you have any questions please email info@students-support-students.org

    Tutor application: https://forms.gle/2NfR4PvKRZ4SnR5y9
    English Department Head application: https://forms.gle/BhniajJnNLHETuwj9

    • 这么好的资源,不爬藤、不申请奖学金,不可惜吗?
      • 可以拿义工小时,相当于自己给自己发义工小时证书,类似的机构好多,靠这个爬藤还不够 +1
      • 到目前为止还没有要去爬藤的,她们从9年级开始搞,几个孩子今年都12年级了,希望明年找到接班人