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My son is 15 months and he doesn't like to drink water either.

He drinks 3 bottle of milk every day (morning, afternoon and night).

I cook different veggie and soup for him as dinner. Usually he'll drink a little bit of water after lunch or dinner.

I feed him melon or watermelon juice (made by myself with fresh watermelon or melon ) 1 to 2 hours after dinner or lunch.

I bought some attractive mugs for him. I drink water, milk, juice...before him, usually he'll come to me and asks for whatever I drink.

Don't force the baby to drink water. Use your imagination, do whatever you think will help her.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 还有一个问题请教各位妈妈:我的女儿一岁零七个月,特不喜欢喝水或果汁,皮肤也很干燥(估计是体内缺水),请问有什么办法呢?
    • Give her soup, melon, watermelon, milk...
      • 请问你是怎样喂的?
        • My son is 15 months and he doesn't like to drink water either.
          He drinks 3 bottle of milk every day (morning, afternoon and night).

          I cook different veggie and soup for him as dinner. Usually he'll drink a little bit of water after lunch or dinner.

          I feed him melon or watermelon juice (made by myself with fresh watermelon or melon ) 1 to 2 hours after dinner or lunch.

          I bought some attractive mugs for him. I drink water, milk, juice...before him, usually he'll come to me and asks for whatever I drink.

          Don't force the baby to drink water. Use your imagination, do whatever you think will help her.
          • 这里天气干燥,我也很想让宝宝吃西瓜,上周末到了几家超市买,都没有,是不是断市了?
    • 每天都给她喝点,就是10ML也行。习惯后会增加。要有耐心。
    • 给他个杯子装上水让他玩,不要怕洒。我儿子就是这么喜欢上喝水的。