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huawei to return to the 5g phone market using 14nm technology.

China's Huawei Technologies is plotting a return to the 5G smartphone industry by the end of this year, according to research firms, signalling a comeback after a U.S. ban on equipment sales decimated its consumer electronics business. Huawei should be able to procure 5G chips domestically using its own advances in semiconductor design tools along with chipmaking from Semiconductor Manufacturing International Co (SMIC), three third-party technology research firms covering China's smartphone sector told Reuters. The firms, citing industry sources including Huawei suppliers, spoke on condition of anonymity because of confidentiality agreements with clients.

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  • 枫下茶话 / 工商经济 / huawei to return to the 5g phone market using 14nm technology.
    China's Huawei Technologies is plotting a return to the 5G smartphone industry by the end of this year, according to research firms, signalling a comeback after a U.S. ban on equipment sales decimated its consumer electronics business. Huawei should be able to procure 5G chips domestically using its own advances in semiconductor design tools along with chipmaking from Semiconductor Manufacturing International Co (SMIC), three third-party technology research firms covering China's smartphone sector told Reuters. The firms, citing industry sources including Huawei suppliers, spoke on condition of anonymity because of confidentiality agreements with clients.
    • 如果是真的, 挺好的, 尽管是14nm的,不需要被荷兰这种下三滥国家要挟,趋势喜人! +6
      • 这话不对。对中国,荷兰敢不下三滥吗?根子在美帝。 +1
        • 这大概是禁了EUV, 又禁DUV的原因
      • 应该是真的。华为不容易 挺过来了 +3
      • 如果真,芯片禁运成废纸了,以土共的强势,以后突破会更快 +1
        • 没那么容易,光刻机做不出来设计出2nm也没用
      • 光刻机还是要用荷兰的,坏了的话还是要让人卡脖子
        • 肯定不是荷兰的,要是的话会开不了机,华为也不敢说
          • 中国有自产的14nm光刻机? 肉脸上一堆文科无脑粉红真是在整天瞎吹 +1
            • 你需要补脑了吃点肉,人家可以叠加的,啥也不知 +2
            • 拜托先读一下这篇文章。这是三个咨询公司得出的结论。和粉红没半毛钱关系。华为解决了14nm 设计软件,中芯国际可以用叠加技术生产相当于7nm的芯片。 +1
              • 叠加个六,六个你叠加在一起,吃的是六个人的量,拉的也是六个人的量,消耗不少,散热急剧增加,干的活也比不过六个人单干。叠加从intel,amd几十年前就开始搞,到现在哪个在用?
          • 制裁前买的,当然可以用
        • 如果14nm被突破的话,7nm, 5nm也快了!
          • 用的光刻机不是中国生产的
    • 这帮媒体,华为想低调都不行
    • 已经有消息说华为把今年的手机出货量预期从年初的3000万调高到4000万。华为加油! +5