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Check out our competitive Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) rates.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / RBC的1年GIC都能谈到5.75了,难道央行后天要加0.5不成? +1
    • 谈前给多少?
      • 这里
        Check out our competitive Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) rates.
        • 1yr GIC 4.75%,but not 5.75% +2
          • 不谈只有4.75,谈了才有可能5.75
            • 怎么谈? 能介绍一二吗? 我每次去都是给多少拿多少
    • 你是新客户?金额要求有没有限制?
      • 没问金额要求
    • 5大银行最近的高息揽存,跟BoC加息预期的关系不大,跟OSFI 推高资本金率到3.5%(11月1号生效)关系很大。有房贷的不要老盯着Macklem了,Peter Routledge也是个狠角色,甚至更狠。 +4
      • OSFI早该动手了,来个狠人有苗头 +3
        • 热身动作这就开始了。这两年新收的condo很容易符合这个范围,将会开启一轮抛售潮。 +3

          Canada’s federal banking regulator is preparing to make banks hold more capital against certain mortgages where homeowner payments fail to cover even the interest and the loan balance is greater than 65 per cent of the value of the property.

          Rising interest rates have helped to increase the loan balances of a growing number of mortgage borrowers
          • 你看懂了?
          • 降龙十八第一掌 +3
    • 申请到RBC一年定期5.8%
      • 牛人!高!
      • 怎么申请的?要不要去分行?
        • 找理财顾问,她给你申请,你可以找她姓林6473901881,在Chinatown branch
