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《Wind Of Change》by 大爷

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《Wind of Change》 by Scorpions

I follow the Moskva down to Gorky ParkListening to the wind of changeAn August summer night, soldiers passing byListening to the wind of change

The world is closing inAnd did you ever thinkThat we could be so close like brothers?The future's in the air, I can feel it everywhereI'm blowing with the wind of change

Take me to the magic of the momentOn a glory nightWhere the children of tomorrow dream away (dream away)In the wind of change


Walking down the streetAnd distant memories are buried in the past foreverI follow the Moskva and down to Gorky ParkListening to the wind of change

Take me (take me) to the magic of the momentOn a glory night (a glory night)Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams (share their dreams)With you and me (with you and me)

Take me (take me) to the magic of the momentOn a glory night (a glory night)Where the children of tomorrow dream away (dream away)In the wind of change (the wind of change)

The wind of change blows straight into the face of timeLike a storm wind that will ring the freedom bell for peace of mindLet your balalaika sing what my guitar wants to say (say)

Take me (take me) to the magic of the momentOn a glory night (a glory night)Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams (share their dreams)With you and me (you and me)

Take me (take me) to the magic of the momentOn a glory night (a glory night)Where the children of tomorrow dream away (dream away)In the wind of change (the wind of change)

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  • 枫下拾英 / 枫下歌台 / 《Wind Of Change》by 大爷 +8

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    《Wind of Change》 by Scorpions

    I follow the Moskva down to Gorky ParkListening to the wind of changeAn August summer night, soldiers passing byListening to the wind of change

    The world is closing inAnd did you ever thinkThat we could be so close like brothers?The future's in the air, I can feel it everywhereI'm blowing with the wind of change

    Take me to the magic of the momentOn a glory nightWhere the children of tomorrow dream away (dream away)In the wind of change


    Walking down the streetAnd distant memories are buried in the past foreverI follow the Moskva and down to Gorky ParkListening to the wind of change

    Take me (take me) to the magic of the momentOn a glory night (a glory night)Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams (share their dreams)With you and me (with you and me)

    Take me (take me) to the magic of the momentOn a glory night (a glory night)Where the children of tomorrow dream away (dream away)In the wind of change (the wind of change)

    The wind of change blows straight into the face of timeLike a storm wind that will ring the freedom bell for peace of mindLet your balalaika sing what my guitar wants to say (say)

    Take me (take me) to the magic of the momentOn a glory night (a glory night)Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams (share their dreams)With you and me (you and me)

    Take me (take me) to the magic of the momentOn a glory night (a glory night)Where the children of tomorrow dream away (dream away)In the wind of change (the wind of change)

    • 穿越了,30多年前唱给今天的神曲,海子略带沙哑的嗓音恰到好处地诠释出一种沧桑感。wait,莫非真是海大爷? :)
      • 自信点儿
    • 你这嗓音真是太有特色了,辨识率百分百。唱得真带劲儿,拽拽酷酷桀骜不羁的大爷风格,听得超级过瘾!👍ps:感觉就是二十出头初生牛犊不怕虎的嗓音,然后又非要坚持喊自己大爷,就有了那么一点‘为喊大爷强说老’的反差萌🤭 +1
      • 哎。。。我倒是想。。。
    • 太爽了👍好一个帅气青春活力四射的大耶👍👍
      • 谢谢师爷,藕爷!
    • 我听出有齊秦的味道
      • 啊,有吗?
        • 有這樣的感覺
    • 心目中唱歌就是这样子的,行云流水没有住当
      • 谢谢二郎!
      • 谢谢凯文
    • 再听再赞!后海这一把好嗓子唱摇滚太合适了
      • 谢谢风过老师的肯定
    • 酷拽潇洒,激情四射,帅气好听!师弟这嗓子唱摇滚太合适了+100!:)
      • 给师姐看茶,给师姐捶背。
        • 👍😀
    • 我天, 真没听出是后海的声音, 太多变了啊! 赞赞赞👍
      • 谢谢香片!回头再给你听个更多变的😀
        • 我也要点歌,《one night in 北京》
          • 恩。。。学习一下。。。
        • 佩服, 我也想变,但实在不忍卒闻🤣🤣
    • 后海的音质很不错👍
    • 你一张嘴唱就想起来了,啥也挡不住海爷一颗摇滚心啊