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A Property Information Report offers details on active building permits, violations, work orders and the zoning designation that may apply to a property. Submit Application   The Property Information Report offers information regarding issued building permits on file, the status of inspections and any outstanding orders as they relate to the Ontario Building Code, Zoning By-law and/or Property Standards […]

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 请教律师可以查买的房子有没有市府的outstanding的working order吗?如果能查,一般要花多少时间?
    • 律师必须查的呀,不查是律师事失职、合同里有requisition date, 最短不能低于closing前的5个工作日。就是律师查完发给对方律师问题的最后期限。 +1
      • 据说大部分律师都不查,说是因为TITILE INSURANCE 会COVER.
        • 我的律师全都查, +2
          我找他做了10多年了,如果买家让我推荐律师、我都会推荐我自己的律师给他们。上次一个卖家房子被邻居告后院硬化面积不符合规定,律师帮买家查出来了、hold over了1万5,直到卖家把work order消掉了、才release。查商业的更麻烦,有的店是规定卖家做lease assignment要担保买家,这种要溯源到第一个开店的,他倒查了30多年。
          • 求律师信息,谢谢啦
            • pmed
          • 求律师信息,谢谢啦
            • pmed
          • 求律师信息
            • pmed
              • 收到,谢谢
          • 求律师信息,谢谢
            • pmed
          • 同求,谢谢
            • pmed
          • 请告诉我们律师收你多少钱?如果我们去也收一样的钱吗?
            • 每个房子不一样,虽然也差不了多少,你找几个律师比一下吧。
          • 求律师信息,谢谢!
            • Pmed
          • 求律师信息,谢谢
            • Pmed
              • 收到,谢谢
          • 求pm, 謝船头哥🙏
            • Pmed
          • 求律师信息,谢谢
            • Pmed
          • 船头你好!求律师信息,谢谢你!
        • 搞错了,这个查需要额外收费(很早以前是$100),但卖家欠费的话都能通过Title insurance 要回来,所以很多买家选择不查。
          • 所以TITILE Insurance是可以Cover的?
      • 上次我买房委托的律师,就没有查,结果前任房主拖欠property tax和水费一大堆,前前后后收尾不少,后来律师还说,你很幸运,有保险。当时真想对回去,明明是你律师的失职. +1
        • 那个地税、水费不一样,政府地税单不是实时更新的,一个季度更新一次,律师不知道卖家付了多少,全靠卖家自己报、有的卖家半年一付、有的安季度付,卖家有意无意忘报的情况很常见,律师根据卖家律师的信息做adjustment, +1
        • 后来保险赔你了吗? +1
    • 查到CITY的申请表,要五个工作日。
      A Property Information Report offers details on active building permits, violations, work orders and the zoning designation that may apply to a property. Submit Application   The Property Information Report offers information regarding issued building permits on file, the status of inspections and any outstanding orders as they relate to the Ontario Building Code, Zoning By-law and/or Property Standards […]