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Russia and Ukraine swap more than 200 prisoners

Russia and Ukraine carried out a major prisoner swap on Monday, with 106 Russian prisoners of war being freed in exchange for 100 Ukrainians, both sides said.

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  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / ZT: 炮火连天的俄乌战场,突然传来一个好消息(组图)
    • 5角大楼泄密说美国掌控整个俄乌战争情报,获取俄罗斯军事情报很容易,按道理美国战胜俄罗斯很容易帮助乌克兰
    • Russia and Ukraine swap more than 200 prisoners
      Russia and Ukraine carried out a major prisoner swap on Monday, with 106 Russian prisoners of war being freed in exchange for 100 Ukrainians, both sides said.
    • 梅德韦丘克不是去年就被交换回来了嘛?梅德韦丘克是乌克兰人亲鹅派,被交换后乌克兰籍被剥夺了,这个新闻好像是去年的一次交换了