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【Love Story - Andy Williams 版】也唱一首英文老歌

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好多叫“Love Story”的歌,但这个很老了。可这个伴奏曲是真不行啊,就这样了,"人笨怪刀钝”。:)

Where do I beginTo tell the story of how great a love can beThe sweet love story that is older than the seaThe simple truth about the love she brings to meWhere do I start

With her first helloShe gave new meaning to this empty world of mineThere'd never be another love, another timeShe came into my life and made the living fineShe fills my heart

She fills my heart with very special thingsWith angels' songs, with wild imaginingsShe fills my soul with so much loveThat anywhere I go I'm never lonelyWith her around, who could be lonelyI reach for her hand, it's always there

How long does it lastCan love be measured by the hours in a dayI have no answers now but this much I can sayI know I'll need her 'til the stars all burn awayAnd she'll be there

How long does it lastCan love be measured by the hours in a dayI have no answers now but this much I can sayI know I'll need her 'til the stars all burn awayAnd she'll be there

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  • 枫下拾英 / 枫下歌台 / 【Love Story - Andy Williams 版】也唱一首英文老歌 +3

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    好多叫“Love Story”的歌,但这个很老了。可这个伴奏曲是真不行啊,就这样了,"人笨怪刀钝”。:)

    Where do I beginTo tell the story of how great a love can beThe sweet love story that is older than the seaThe simple truth about the love she brings to meWhere do I start

    With her first helloShe gave new meaning to this empty world of mineThere'd never be another love, another timeShe came into my life and made the living fineShe fills my heart

    She fills my heart with very special thingsWith angels' songs, with wild imaginingsShe fills my soul with so much loveThat anywhere I go I'm never lonelyWith her around, who could be lonelyI reach for her hand, it's always there

    How long does it lastCan love be measured by the hours in a dayI have no answers now but this much I can sayI know I'll need her 'til the stars all burn awayAnd she'll be there

    How long does it lastCan love be measured by the hours in a dayI have no answers now but this much I can sayI know I'll need her 'til the stars all burn awayAnd she'll be there

    • 今天蔚然英文风, 好唱!
      • 谢谢小邓:)
    • 好👍
      • 要是县太爷唱完,师爷肯定不会光说一句好。:)
        • 公堂之上黑压压都是人鸦雀无声。没大老爷正襟危坐,背后明镜高悬,堂下衙役如狼似虎,手持笙箫竽笛,严阵以待。堂前师爷掏出明晃晃一根铁筷当空一挥,登时笙越大作“呜哩哇,呜哩哇”。堂下一干人犯翩翩起舞,没大老爷一句Where do I begin直冲霄瀚,“好👌~~”
          • 画面感十足啊😄😄😄
          • 师爷的文采照人啊。
    • 唱得好,底气非常足、
      • 前段时间“牡丹圆米”打折时,屯了几袋,底气足😄
        • 我就缺底气,所以很多歌就显得不稳。底气其实是腹式呼吸时人体对肋间肌、膈肌、腹壁肌、胸锁乳突肌、背部肌群的综合精密控制能力,需要长期练习才有的,羡慕你。
          • 这个你甭羡慕,那是小时候唱革命样板戏打下的底子😀
            • 👍
    • 这歌难度不小,高潮部分整得惊涛拍岸啊!高音很厉害👍 音乐伴奏再大一点就更好啦。
      • 呵呵,谢谢小艾。搜英文的伴奏就这个,太差,中间没声音了。贴完再搜“爱情故事”,发现好的伴奏了,晚了,歌坛收摊儿了:)
    • 今天怀旧经典英文歌聚会,恍惚中有听歌剧的感觉
      • 哈哈,斑竹脑补式夸人,好:)
    • 唱得激情投入,跌宕起伏,有几句还真有原唱的味道。这首歌也是大学期间反复听的,电影也是。好怀旧啊
      • 谢谢英纳格,都是差不多时代的老歌,那时候那录音带学英语歌不容易的:)
    • 👍👍👍
      • 谢谢鼓励:)
    • 又是一首怀旧E歌,唱的很投入,深情大气,激情满满,赞~~
      • 谢谢风华,实力有限,但气势不能丢,对不?😀 +1
    • 好声音好底气,感情充沛投入!👍👍👍
      • 谢谢鼓励,好好吼了一嗓子😀
    • 底气好足啊,好嗓音,感情很饱满,气息流畅,就是录音效果差了些,但隔着一层纱都听出是好嗓子了😂
    • 这是百老汇歌剧的唱法吧?感情饱满,很有戏剧效果👍
    • 好嗓子!👍 喜欢的歌~