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Hundreds of startups face a crippling cash crunch and an 'extinction-level event' if no one buys Silicon Valley Bank by Monday

Startup accelerator Y Combinator's CEO Garry Tan said 30% of his companies that banked with SVB wouldn't be able to pay their staff in 30 days.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 工商经济 / 看了一些有关硅谷银行倒闭的报道,初步相信美国硅谷银行的倒闭不会引发多米诺效应,从而导致整个金融体系崩溃。不过我会进一步关注和跟踪。
    • 现在都这么说。这家银行确实与众不同。但是,现在谁敢说别的呢?
    • 这银行要是生在中国或者加拿大,国家不仅不让倒闭,连银行有资金问题你都不可能知道,美国这个市场调节最彻底
      • 美国是最讲自由竞争,后果自负,也不怕衰退,不破不立。不到威胁命脉, 不救。也因此经济最好,赚钱机会多。至少国家经济不依赖房地产,很多元化。
        • 还要看这些受影响的startup 公司会怎么样。如果能局部消化掉,就是最好的了。
          • 个人觉得这家银行被收购或破产的机会高些,受影响的初创肯定有,这不就是长期低利率然后被逼急升和前两年注钱太多的风险。
            • Hundreds of startups face a crippling cash crunch and an 'extinction-level event' if no one buys Silicon Valley Bank by Monday
              Startup accelerator Y Combinator's CEO Garry Tan said 30% of his companies that banked with SVB wouldn't be able to pay their staff in 30 days.
        • 也许这的确是美国自我调整的优势