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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

这则新闻与房市有关。Bank of Canada to hold rates steady in 2023, budget watchdog says (Thu, March 2, 2023 at 11:38 a.m. EST)

The Bank of Canada will hold its key policy rate at the current level of 4.5% until the end of this year and will start cutting rates in January 2024, Canada's independent budgetary watchdog forecast on Thursday. The central bank has raised rates at a record pace over the past year to tame inflation that hit a four-decade high of 8.1% in June. After its last hike in January, the Bank of Canada became the first major central bank fighting global inflation to say it would likely "pause" further moves as long as prices continue to come down as it has forecast.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 这则新闻与房市有关。Bank of Canada to hold rates steady in 2023, budget watchdog says (Thu, March 2, 2023 at 11:38 a.m. EST) +3
    The Bank of Canada will hold its key policy rate at the current level of 4.5% until the end of this year and will start cutting rates in January 2024, Canada's independent budgetary watchdog forecast on Thursday. The central bank has raised rates at a record pace over the past year to tame inflation that hit a four-decade high of 8.1% in June. After its last hike in January, the Bank of Canada became the first major central bank fighting global inflation to say it would likely "pause" further moves as long as prices continue to come down as it has forecast.
    • 哈哈哈,你怕被移帖啊?利率高位,房子不妙啊。 +3
      • 我相信2023年利率会比较平稳,可能不加不减,2024年会有大动荡,但无法预测,通胀风险仍然没有消除。 +1
        • 这个比较平稳的利率环境,可能回促使房市回暖,因为现在有很多人都在持币观望。 +1
          • 但也有很多人赌明年利率继续上升。 +1
            • 市场上有很多声音,你转的这篇文章就认为明年会降息
              • 对,市场上总是有不同声音,国际形势也是千变万化,俄乌战争还看不到消停,即使多数人认为加息周期很快会转换到减息周期,但是不确定因素还是太多了。两个方向都有可能,讨论可能性大小意义不大。央行自己也不知道。 +2
          • CIBC data show 20% of mortgages not covering interest costs -newcomer78(改个ID真难); 19:24 {218} 这还能回暖吗? +1
    • 谁现在说啥我都不信。大家挺住一年就对了。土地房,谁卖谁傻。 +5
    • 央行的话也有人信?20年前到现在,没有一年不是胡说八道,央行还说过2023年底前不加息呢。 +8
      • 央行行长说的2023年底之前不加息,确实坑惨了我等信了他的话,签了浮动利率的这些人。 +1
    • 批转工商经济 lol +1
    • 几年前,它还说过2023年前不加息呢,引无数人入套,推动房价狂飙,然后再来个(几乎)史无前例的快速加息,呵呵。 +3
      • 央行对房市的误导确实很大,但目前的买房者还是非常的谨慎,包括新移民首次买房大军似乎都在按兵不动,以致于造成租房市场的火爆。另外看不懂的是,这几年condo市场一直上涨,丝毫没有调整迹象。楼花价格吓人! +2