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Born and raised in Kallstadt, Kingdom of Bavaria, Trump immigrated to the United States in 1885. In 1891, he began speculating in real estate in Seattle. During the Klondike Gold Rush, he moved to the Yukon and made his fortune by operating a restaurant and a brothel for miners in Whitehorse.

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  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 育空夏天景色优美,全天亮,野生berries大把,退休人士每年林中木屋住几个月不要太美。
    • 有熊,很多熊
      • 北极熊好帅。
    • 育空是个好地方,川普的爷爷在那里开餐馆,和炮房,发家了,实现了美国梦/北美梦
      Born and raised in Kallstadt, Kingdom of Bavaria, Trump immigrated to the United States in 1885. In 1891, he began speculating in real estate in Seattle. During the Klondike Gold Rush, he moved to the Yukon and made his fortune by operating a restaurant and a brothel for miners in Whitehorse.
      • 德国佬特别多。