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Delhi Mumbai Expressway

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Delhi Mumbai Expressway | Project Details | #rslive
The Sohna Dausa stretch of the #Delhi #Mumbai #Expressway will be opened to public by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on February 12, 2023, reducing the driving...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 工商经济 / 历史性时刻!印度航空(Air India)获当地塔塔集团(Tata Group)收购后,该航空公司2月14日宣布,从空中巴士(Airbus)及波音(Boeing)采购破纪录的470架飞机 +2
    • 印度这样搞,想不做美国生意美国人都不答应,美国人包教包会转移生产链 +6
      • 美军已经跑印度推销F18和阿帕奇,承诺当地建厂。F35也首次降落印度做飞行表演
    • 今年计划有几架波音飞机掉下来? +1
      • 掉的越多,买的越多,飞机当手机换
        • Delhi Mumbai Expressway
          Go there to make money.
          Delhi Mumbai Expressway | Project Details | #rslive
          The Sohna Dausa stretch of the #Delhi #Mumbai #Expressway will be opened to public by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on February 12, 2023, reducing the driving...
          • 这条高速两边布满充电桩,看来印度要成为下一个基建狂魔了
            • कमाल है मेरा देश
        • 酸🙂