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ChatGPT has an answer to this:

The sentence you provided is in Chinese and translates to "Divorced women finding true love is really difficult."

Finding a partner after a divorce can be challenging, but it is not impossible. Here are a few suggestions that may help:

  1. Take time to heal: Before you start dating again, it's important to take time to heal from your previous relationship. This will help you to move on and be ready for a new relationship.

  2. Be open-minded: Don't limit yourself to certain types of people or specific age groups. Be open to different types of people and give them a chance.

  3. Focus on self-improvement: This is a good time to focus on yourself, your goals and your happiness. This will make you more attractive to potential partners.

  4. Be honest: Be honest with potential partners about your divorce and your feelings. This will help you to find someone who is understanding and supportive.

  5. Try online dating: Online dating can be a great way to meet new people and potentially find a partner.

Ultimately, finding true love takes time and patience, but with a positive attitude and an open mind, it is possible to find a compatible partner.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 几天看帖发现,离异女生找真爱,找对象真是难? +1
    • 不管男女,找对象容易,找真爱比较难吧。 +2
    • 这是自然的。女性比男性在择偶时要挑剔得多。门槛高,当然就会更困难。 +2
    • 容易的都在家甜蜜呢,谁到这里来天天发牢骚。 sample bias +1
    • 肉脸几位再婚的都幸福着呢。 +2
      • 是为了证明离婚的正确性? +2
        • 你是怎么得出这个结论的? +1
          • 如果你说“肉联几位原配的都幸福着呢”,我也会得出同样的结论呀。
    • 参考14feb三四年前的帖子,她找到了 +1
    • ChatGPT has an answer to this:

      The sentence you provided is in Chinese and translates to "Divorced women finding true love is really difficult."

      Finding a partner after a divorce can be challenging, but it is not impossible. Here are a few suggestions that may help:

      1. Take time to heal: Before you start dating again, it's important to take time to heal from your previous relationship. This will help you to move on and be ready for a new relationship.

      2. Be open-minded: Don't limit yourself to certain types of people or specific age groups. Be open to different types of people and give them a chance.

      3. Focus on self-improvement: This is a good time to focus on yourself, your goals and your happiness. This will make you more attractive to potential partners.

      4. Be honest: Be honest with potential partners about your divorce and your feelings. This will help you to find someone who is understanding and supportive.

      5. Try online dating: Online dating can be a great way to meet new people and potentially find a partner.

      Ultimately, finding true love takes time and patience, but with a positive attitude and an open mind, it is possible to find a compatible partner.