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Staff laid off by Elon Musk were assured they would be compensated following mass cuts. As the deadline passes, the silence has been deafening.

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  • 枫下茶话 / 工商经济 / 推特欠房租事小,欠遣散费了
    Staff laid off by Elon Musk were assured they would be compensated following mass cuts. As the deadline passes, the silence has been deafening.
    • 马一龙史上最坏老板没有之一
      • 有钱就有话语权
    • Elon Musk 当今世界上拯救世界的英雄之一。Zelenski是拯救欧洲的英雄。郭文贵先生是当今世界上拯救世界的英雄之一。他们是 The Men of the Year 2022.没有他们执着的努力,这个世界就会被中国共产党完全统治。
      • 中共离完全统治中国都有距离。另外,一龙对中共很友好。泽伦斯基对中共也不坏,本身自顾不暇。