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生物科技公司起诉Citadel Securities和几个大交易公司操纵股票。了解一下Spoofing.

“One of the telltale signs of a manipulative spoofer is a rapid reversal of trading direction—a lot of sell orders, followed by buy orders, followed by the cancellation of sell orders—which suggest the original sell orders were not intended to be executed, but were merely a ploy to drive the price down to ‘buy low,’”



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  • 枫下茶话 / 工商经济 / 生物科技公司起诉Citadel Securities和几个大交易公司操纵股票。了解一下Spoofing.

    “One of the telltale signs of a manipulative spoofer is a rapid reversal of trading direction—a lot of sell orders, followed by buy orders, followed by the cancellation of sell orders—which suggest the original sell orders were not intended to be executed, but were merely a ploy to drive the price down to ‘buy low,’”


    • 股票市场,数字货币交易所,期货交易所就是用来骗钱的合法合理平台,姜太公钓鱼 愿者上钩,周瑜打黄盖,一个愿打 一个愿挨。明知山有虎,偏向虎山行。不入虎穴 焉得虎子?被老虎吃掉,你自愿的,没有人逼你去找老虎吧? +1
      • 有一些道理,但不能完全苟同。正常的金融活动有宜资金流动,帮助企业融资,帮助生产,促进经济。如果accusation成立,这些公司不是这个目的。玩非法的spoof手段,谋利是唯一目的,而且还取之无道。