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给你一个美国的。The median compensation for an Alphabet employee last year was around $295,884, according to a Securities and Exchange Commission filing,

Amidst pressure from an activist hedge fund, adverse market conditions and a need to cut costs, Google launched a ranking system and performance improvement plan—Googler Reviews and Development (GRAD)—that could ease out 10,000 employees.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 工商经济 / Google 出手了,解雇 10,000雇员。
    Alphabet, Google's parent company, will soon join the layoff season in the United States' Silicon Valley as it plans to lay off up to 10,000 or six per cent of the company's "poor-performing" employees, said a report by The Information. The report also claims that the company will use performance as a parameter to fire employees by using a ranking system. 
    • US SEC filing revealed that the median annual salary of a Google employee is around $2,95,884 (roughly Rs 2.41 crore). 可以省不少钱啊!
      • 這是印度新聞,Rs是rupee sign的意思,值多少美金自己可以換算 +1
        • 给你一个美国的。The median compensation for an Alphabet employee last year was around $295,884, according to a Securities and Exchange Commission filing,
          Amidst pressure from an activist hedge fund, adverse market conditions and a need to cut costs, Google launched a ranking system and performance improvement plan—Googler Reviews and Development (GRAD)—that could ease out 10,000 employees.
          • 这种算法不一定是拿到手里的现金,就跟马一龙算的推特一个职工一餐吃400美金似的
          • 你的2個原帖,你寫的金額是$2,95,884 ,近三百萬,這個不是美金,而是印度當地新聞,使用當地幣值 +2
            • 明明写的是29万5,怎么就300万了?只是逗号的地方是印度习惯。括号里的才是印度货币。
              • 还真是,学习了。
              • 所以我之前說了,是印度當地新聞 +1
                • 但是人家写的29万5就是美元啊,括号里才是印度货币,相当于2400万印度卢比。
                  • $2,95,884如果是美元,絕對不是29萬5千,$295,884才是 +1
                    • 你自己都说了这是印度当地新闻,怎么就不知道这个逗号是印度习惯?
                      • 我說是印度新聞,用的是當地3:2:2separators,匿名帖主認為是美加帖,如果是美加,那$2,95,884絕對不是29萬5千 +1
          • The pay was nearly 70% more than what Microsoft paid its employees.
    • Layoff 还给人家扣个low performer 的帽子。真不厚道。 +3
      • 不厚道。这种处理方式只能让人产生对Google 的仇恨,而且是必须产生这种仇恨。
        • 股票没动静,这种平均裁法没用。谷歌摊子太大,有些部门赚钱有些不赚钱,不赚钱的部门多裁些投资人才买账。像亚麻,Alexa 亏钱就整个裁了,可惜了那么多AI技术人员。
    • “But as outside pressure builds on the company to improve the productivity of its workers。。。“ 大科技是左派当道,没有外来压力那就躺平实现共同富裕。Musk 调整了码工行业的新标准。 +1