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Activist investor TCI Fund Management on Tuesday called on Alphabet to cut costs and take aggressive action, saying the Google parent has too many employees and should increase share buybacks.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 工商经济 / 大股东要求狗家裁员 +1
    Activist investor TCI Fund Management on Tuesday called on Alphabet to cut costs and take aggressive action, saying the Google parent has too many employees and should increase share buybacks.
    • 资本四处游荡就是为了赚钱不是搞慈善 +3
      • 和微软一样趁机瘦瘦身 +1
      • 挣四十万的人哪里需要慈善?善款至少应该先救济只挣十万的 +1
    • 资本最狠
      • 还会有其他股东来凑热闹的
    • 0.27%的大股东 +2
      对持股公司营运没能力没兴趣参与,长期使用场外激进主义施压,希望短期报表亮丽,去年在对冲中盈利排第一,超过citadel和de shaw,就是得益于QE造成的市场虚高,现在市场垮了,没来得及套现,估计这财年的报表很难看,急了。他家的量化交易很弱鸡,等于没有。