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Chinese tech giant Huawei Digital Power has signed a contract with China's SEPCOIII, a construction and engineering company and power plant operator, for a 400 MW PV plus 1300 MWh battery energy storage project in Saudi Arabia. Developed by ACWA Power, with SEPCOIII serving as general contractor and handling EPC services, the Red Sea Project […]

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  • 枫下茶话 / 工商经济 / 华为拿下土豪沙特芯片项目巨单 +1
    Chinese tech giant Huawei Digital Power has signed a contract with China's SEPCOIII, a construction and engineering company and power plant operator, for a 400 MW PV plus 1300 MWh battery energy storage project in Saudi Arabia. Developed by ACWA Power, with SEPCOIII serving as general contractor and handling EPC services, the Red Sea Project […]
    • 松树既不识数也不认字,这是去年的消息,而且是华为跟在沙特干活的中国企业签单 +2
      • 难为了。 +2