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Baby bath seats
Many parents like to use a bath seat because it keeps their hands free to washthe baby. But babies left alone in bath seats have drowned. It is never safe to leave a baby alone in hte bath, not even for a few seconds. Bath seats are not safety devices.
. Some babies in bath seats almost drowned even when their parents were in the bathroom. This is because the suction cups on the bottom of the bath seats did not stick properly to the bathtubs. The babies fell over into the water.
. Do not use a baby bath seat. It is not a product that you need to look after your baby. It is not worth taking the risk
i. ...C

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 请问各位妈妈,3个月以上的孩子,你们用什么样的澡盆洗澡?我在WALMART买的有斜坡的盆现在太小了,给个建议吧!
    • up!up!
      • IKEA 的澡盆最好用
    • 有卖比较大的小孩子澡盆的
    • 我们用这个
      • 能用到多大?
    • 我家宝宝也用IKEA的澡盆 很好用 可以用到两岁以上
    • 只要将bath tub消毒洗干净, 给孩子用bathing seat, 大人轻松, 小孩玩水也开心. 是pic中那样的东西.
      • Where can I buy it?How much?
        • walmart 有,多少钱没在意。
        • Walmart, Zellers都有. 我的是在Once upon a child买的, 二手的, $4. 我已用了三个多月了, 很好用.
          • May I know where the Once upon a child is?
            • 这里, 用"Store locator" 就可以找到离你最近的店.
      • 是你家宝宝吗?好可爱呀,看起来挺大个的。:)
        • 是. 谢谢! 那是两个多月前的照片了. 现在太忙, 照了好多, 没时间整理. 自从他会爬后, 我称他为共产党员, 那里最脏哪里去, 哪儿最危险哪儿上. 老妈跟着后面追, 腰都累弯了.
          • 哈哈,看来小朋友都这样呢,我家这个稍不注意就爬向垃圾桶,你一叫她,她反而爬得更快了,还不时笑着回头看你。
      • 这个有隐患,如果BB可以坐了,还是BEIBEI的那个澡盆好。
        • 有什么隐患? 我用的三个多月里, 没有发现什么不妥呀! 能否请你解释一下.
          • FIY:
            Baby bath seats
            Many parents like to use a bath seat because it keeps their hands free to washthe baby. But babies left alone in bath seats have drowned. It is never safe to leave a baby alone in hte bath, not even for a few seconds. Bath seats are not safety devices.
            . Some babies in bath seats almost drowned even when their parents were in the bathroom. This is because the suction cups on the bottom of the bath seats did not stick properly to the bathtubs. The babies fell over into the water.
            . Do not use a baby bath seat. It is not a product that you need to look after your baby. It is not worth taking the risk
            i. ...C
            • 谢谢! Bathing seat的爪子其实非常紧. 我每次用也都按得很紧, 而且从来都不离开BB. 我儿子洗澡时极好动, 以前每次洗完, 他胳膊都被我们揪红了. 自从用了这玩意后, 每日一澡他最高兴啦.
              • :O)
        • 儿童用品都有安全隐患, 所以都标有"Never leave child unattended". 只要家长使用时提高警惕, 安全应不是问题.