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2 mammal,看连接

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  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 寻求帮助,6岁女儿作业:1)What are three ways that mammals and birds are the same as each other? 2)What type of animal are humans? List four characterstics that prove we are this type of animal. 谁知道正确答案?谢谢。
    • 1)The both have eyes, mouth, nose! or they both devided to male and female, they need to eat, and they reproduce. 2)Human are animal that walk with 2 legs, no hair except on head, lie, and cruel.
      four characterstics prove:
      1) we walk with 2 legs,
      2) we don't have hair except on head,
      3) none of us can say we never lie,
      4) no animal in this world have killed more same species then we did.
      • 关于答案1,好象动物都有眼鼻嘴,性别之分,也要吃喝拉撒,似乎不可作为两者特有的。女儿的答案之一是They are warm-blooded。需要补充。。答案2还在寻找。
        • 1是说共同之处,很容易找
          • 很有帮助,谢谢。
            对不起,刚才没有回答你下面的问题。你在给孩子找学校?我小孩的学校不在城里,不过也是很不错的P.S. 是安省前3%的学校。
    • 快告诉我是哪所学校
      • 你要去绑架?: )
        • lol