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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

我们只是加油的时候多花几块钱,有的国家的人民有可能要难过的多:Sanctions on Russia must not include ban on Russian energy imports, Hungarian prime minister says

"While we condemn Russia’s armed offensive and we also condemn the war, we will not allow Hungarian families to be made to pay the price of the war; and so the sanctions must not be extended to the areas of oil and gas,” Orban said in a statement following bilateral talks in London with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.  

The extension of the sanctions to the Russian energy sector would represent a “disproportionately large burden” for Hungary, he said.

Most of Hungary’s oil and natural gas imports come from Russia, and 90% of Hungarian families heat their homes with gas, Orban said, stressing that the Hungarian economy “simply cannot function" without Russian oil and gas.


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  • 枫下茶话 / 工商经济 / 我们只是加油的时候多花几块钱,有的国家的人民有可能要难过的多:Sanctions on Russia must not include ban on Russian energy imports, Hungarian prime minister says
    "While we condemn Russia’s armed offensive and we also condemn the war, we will not allow Hungarian families to be made to pay the price of the war; and so the sanctions must not be extended to the areas of oil and gas,” Orban said in a statement following bilateral talks in London with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.  

    The extension of the sanctions to the Russian energy sector would represent a “disproportionately large burden” for Hungary, he said.

    Most of Hungary’s oil and natural gas imports come from Russia, and 90% of Hungarian families heat their homes with gas, Orban said, stressing that the Hungarian economy “simply cannot function" without Russian oil and gas.

    • 从老百姓角度看、战争从来都是最差的选择,哪怕投降亡国都好过战争 +1
      • 你的意思是,那些选择抵抗的老百姓是国家的罪人?
        • 他是在第三者的角度,腰不疼;要是当事人,比如在日本铁蹄下的中国人,就不一样了。
          • 打得过就打,打不过就降,没必要作无谓的牺牲,像2战的法国那样。中华传统文化的爱国教育其实是个坑 +5
            • 土共在西北的窑洞里还念念不忘:打倒东北的日本鬼子!
            • 好,打不过就不作无谓的牺牲,那投降后被杀被抢被奸,是你所希望的吗?你指望侵略者和平共处?所以说到底,你不是不希望抵抗,是希望别人,别的国家来抵抗
              • 我是从老百姓角度看战争,不是从救世主的角度看的 +1
                • 老百姓投降后没有被抢被杀被奸?
                  • 大哥,都网络时代现代战争了,别老抱着你死我活的思维不放,战争是政权间利益争夺战,关老百姓啥事?要打让职业军人去打,未来让AI去打
                    • 你是说俄军变好了?这次入侵乌克兰也有抢劫,强奸,轰炸居民区啊
                      • 老百姓有脚,能跑就跑啊。当然自愿爱国抗敌的咱也鼓掌赞扬
                        • 跑别人那里去寄人篱下?还回来不?指望别人帮你解放家乡?
                          • 等仗打完了,想回就回想留就留,咱们这些叛国分子不就留加拿大不回了吗?解放是个啥?明解放了元,清解放了明,孙解放了清,毛解放了蒋?
                            • 当你遇到抢劫时,请不要指望别人可以救你,因为大家都在忙着逃跑
            • 中国的爱国教育是在书本上。死在中国的日本兵是太平洋的一个零头。毛蒋都是当三国演义来看的
              • 现代战争拼的是实力和经济,不再是冷兵器时代的狭路相逢勇者胜了,所以冷兵器时代的“誓死不降”,“宁为玉碎不为瓦全”这种爱国洗脑神曲可以休了
        • 罪人说不上,就是被坑人的爱国教育洗脑了。老百姓去当炮灰,打输了丢命,打赢了也不多分块地
          • 二战同盟国也应该投降,不打了,打仗要死人的?
            • 职业军人打就好了,打输了就投降,没必要不计代价的绑架全体老百姓去掺合战争,全民皆兵这种东西也最好不要再当正能量去宣传了
          • 那么你认为最好的结果是世界上只有日本 德国?而且原来爱国是错误的?但是占领者并不是友善的,烧杀抢掠是他们的目的
          • 这么说的话还是你不喜欢的土共仗义,打赢了真的每个农民分块地,到现在也没有出现一个地主
            • 太平天国就是凭“有田同耕”这招势不可挡的打下了江山,可惜泥腿子没文化,不会治人治国。我党走狗屎运,正赶上了苏爹刮玛丽共产风的天时,坐稳了江山
    • 老荡看看你行吗 +1
      Steve Lucas, 65, dashed through five countries after his wife Anastasia, 51, called to say her fifth floor apartment in the capital Kyiv was 'shaking all the time' from Russian bomb and missile attacks.
      • 这是好汉。好榜样。真男人。
      • touched!
    • 欧盟还要扩容,只会越来越烂