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《草帽歌--straw hat 》---- 练的不好也要嘶喊😂😂😂。年轻时虽然听不懂歌词,但是非常喜欢的一首歌

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《草帽歌--straw hat 》

Ma Ma do you remember,

the old straw hat you gave to me,

I lost that hat long ago,

flew to the foggy canyon.

Yeh Ma ma I wonder

what happened to that old straw hat,

falling down the mountain side

out of my reach like your heart.

Suddenly that wind came up,

stealing my hat from me yeh.

Swirling whirling gust of wind,

blowing it higher away.

Ma ma that old straw hat

was the only one I really loved,

but we lost it.

No one could bring it back,

like the life you gave me.

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  • 枫下拾英 / 枫下歌台 / 《草帽歌--straw hat 》---- 练的不好也要嘶喊😂😂😂。年轻时虽然听不懂歌词,但是非常喜欢的一首歌 +5

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    《草帽歌--straw hat 》

    Ma Ma do you remember,

    the old straw hat you gave to me,

    I lost that hat long ago,

    flew to the foggy canyon.

    Yeh Ma ma I wonder

    what happened to that old straw hat,

    falling down the mountain side

    out of my reach like your heart.

    Suddenly that wind came up,

    stealing my hat from me yeh.

    Swirling whirling gust of wind,

    blowing it higher away.

    Ma ma that old straw hat

    was the only one I really loved,

    but we lost it.

    No one could bring it back,

    like the life you gave me.

    • 👍不惜力!
      • 哈哈,春天到了,又到了动物........的季节
    • 这首歌真是感人,风过唱得撕心裂肺,情感饱满。这部《人证》太虐心了,故事的内容很多已经淡忘了,只记得当时看的时候哭得稀里哗啦。 +1
      • 谢谢,毕竟差着级别呢,我的水平只能做到自己唱爽了,而你是让大家都听开心了😂😂
    • 传说这首歌是最让人伤心的歌之一哟。
      • 谢谢听歌
    • 非常伤感的歌和电影,无痕情绪到位!
      • 谢了! 还是后海大爷的歌霸气😂
    • 好熟悉的旋律,风过不要用情太深!
      • 谢谢听歌
    • 不错不错,还有潜力可挖
      • 谢谢鼓励
    • 当年能看到这种电影,是很幸运的
      • 我算是幸福的一代吧,没吃过啥苦
    • 喊得这叫一个撕心裂肺,很得原唱精髓啊。👍 +1
      • 谢谢琳达,你的【谁说女子不如男】太惊艳了
    • 唤醒童年的回忆!挺好听的一首歌!也听到了你的一点点小紧张😀👏👏
    • 原唱发音有些黑人的卷舌音,他本人的确是混血,想起人证就想起这首歌,嘶喊的有感觉了